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So, I am very proud to announce that i just offically bought my first brand new ADJ product the other day, (i had a vertigo that was used when mars music went out of business it was a floor model). Anywho, i was playing around with my new light and set it up on a high point in my room, then i turned on my fog machine (not ADJ, sniff sniff...) and was tryin to get that effect where u can see the lazer beams comming from the light unit and shooting outwards. Anywho, i couldn't ever get it to look like i wanted it too, i don't know if the fog was too thick or wat, anyone else ever tried this effect??? Any input would be great.

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The lasers in the big clubs are 100mw or higher. The laser widow is only 4.95mw. A big difference. Also a 4.95mw green laser will look brighter to the human eye and a red one will. By the way, any laser over 5mw requires a FDA variance (basically a license) to operate in public because they are actually very dangerous. When they say avoid direct eye contact they mean it.
I know that there is a company out there that makes the lazer fixtures inside of a moving head. I assumme they are at least 100mw probably much brighter. I think rhue is the one who showed them too me a while back. Hey rhue, do ya remember the site were u found those things? Also DOGG im not positive but you might have to have licecense to purchase them, but possibly not. If you know someone at a concert venue or theatre etc, they might be able to get one for ya.

You can buy a 100mw green laser on ebay for around $1000. Don't even think about using it in public without getting a variance and taking the proper precautions. It'd be a great way for your grandkids grandkids to be paying for a lawsuit because you cooked someones eyes or burned their skin permanently.
the green lazer effects are very popular around here. Very expensive, hard to set up, but if u get all your mirrors set up correctly, the correct atmosphereic content of fog, ciggarette smoke and darkness, those lazers look awesome and fill up the upper portions of any nightclup with an interstellar burst of green.,
I don't believe a 100mw LASER will cause your skin any harm. Of course, this assumes you don't wear it and keep it pointed at your wrist for a year either.

A bud of mine is the local LASER artist and he uses 1 and 20 watt units. The 1 watt doesn't seem to do much except look VERY pretty. The 20 watt I wouldn't put my car in front of. You never know. lol
I have a 120mW Green Laser that I ordered off of ebay and it is amazing. I've used it in many productions and is always a crowd pleaser. Many times after shows I get people who come up to me and make comments about it ranting and raving about it so it's nice to know that people enjoy it. As someone stated before though these lasers are no toy and you can cause serious damage to someone if you don't know what your doing. Not to mention it's manditory that you have a variance to operate them. If your looking for a brighter laser then the 4.95mw that are mainly out there , i suggest stepping up to a 30mW laser, you should be able to pick one up for $400 if anyone has any questions or would like more info i'd be happy to help in anyway i can, drop me an email for the quickest response

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