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With the safety issues of lasers, specifically visually, how is it safe to have laser beams spinning around in clubs? Is there a certain type of laser that is safe to view without safety goggles?

I am a student artist and I am trying to use fog to make the laser beam visible. Once the beam is visible I want to organize it in such a way that will create a 3D object in space. Is this at all possible?
Original Post
I've been to multiple shows where lasers were used. Lasers must NOT be pointed at people because it can cause eye damage, most temporary, but when you're facing a lawsuit, they are just going to count their millions when you lose in court.

Going into the Way Back machine, I went to two concernts in 1991, and I remember this because it was my first winter break from college. The second show was Paul Simon and it was the day before the fighting broke out for Desert Storm or whatever they were calling that load of crap. The show where they did use lasers was at the Warrant/Poison show a couple of weeks earlier.

Now, at Arco Arena, there is a surface tht is a boundary between the upper and lower levels. Lasers were pointed at these locations. For the most part, lasers are pointed away from people, say, UP or towards back panels or even DOWN into the stage, into screens or other surfaces that should be free of people.

Are you trying to project a hologram? How many lasers are you using? Are you splitting a beam?

Your biggest issue will be containing the laser into a safe environment, such as a glass container where the glass is one-way reflective: people can SEE in and the inside light reflects back in. I've been told this can be very expensive. I had a chance to snag some panels of this stuff when a business I worked for closed down, but didn't see any application for it so I passed.

Creating the object, I see that being totally feasible. But stopping the laser might be the bigger concern.

What I've seen is the usage of projectors instead.

I'm a Disney fan and am going there in the middle of December. I know I'll be checking out effects. Knowing HOW they do things doesn't take away for me, it only enhances.

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