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You can't just change the name. you have to free up the channel icon. where you have the text that says PAN and TILT you need to click that text and a menu should appear then you need to make the channel free. get what i'm saying. Also please next time post as a different thread since yes it is kinda related but is not on topic. Thanks.
Let me know if you need more help or don't understand.
Hi there Jingles,
Happy new year. Loved Elations rig at LDI. Very excited to see the quality and performance of the new 5R.
Anyhow, I am having trouble tracking down/ making a profile for the ADJ S-4A/DMX. Its a strobe controller that receives DMX and transfers to (4) mono strobes. I even make the profile because I can not find a DMX Value Traits table for the product. Hoping you know of one, or know where I might find one.

IF you manage to find one, could you send it to That's my personal account.

Thanks again.
You can find information about this discontinued product via this link:


Ideally, you don't want to make a profile for the controller but rather the end results. This one might be a bit tricky. If anything, having the profile will help you relate to this in a live situation, which can be a tremendous help. I think you may have problems with this behaving in the 3D Visualizer.
I haven't bothered to go over the manual yet to see either. I've got a deadline to meet and I'm importing DVD's and ripping a BluRay(so I can do further editing of the contents, like re-insert deleted scenes, an intermission, so on and so forth).

I would think that the most critical thing is to make the profile so it is easier to be human relatable for use in a live situation. I just don't see this working well in the 3D Visualizer though.
Thanks to all who looked. I know it wont work like a real fixture and most likely will not work in the visualizer, but to be honest the visualizer is just a fun addition. I really just need to programming. I know what it will look like. My problem is I do not know what the channel assignments are on it. (ie- number of ch, type of ch). The link Chris posted I have, however the link nor the pdf found on the link give any kind of dmx traits. Any thoughts or am I just SOL? Lemme know. Thanks.
Back to Lazzer Entertainment:

I did check the PDF and it has absolutely NO DMX specs. If you look at the item itself, you'll notice NO DMX INPUT on the device. There is a DMX Output for connecting to a DMX strobe, and 1/4" outputs for triggering some simpler strobes.

The lack of DMX INPUT means that there is really no valid reason for you to use this with MyDMX, and in fact, you really can't use this with any DMX controller.

This item is clearly a self-contained product. I'm afraid you're most likely SOL on this one. I don't think Support would not support it event though it's discontinued, but I'm doubtful they are going to have DMX traits available.
You can tell the difference between the "weekend warriors" and the "full time soldiers" in the realm of entertainment.

But really, many of us get most of our work for the weekends anyways and that's unfortunately when we discover problems. However, with profiles, one should never assume the profile exists, and this work should be done either far before the event, or at the very least, as soon as the gear has been purchased.

I bought my Mega Panels and P64 UV LED, and then I immediately began my programming. The fixtures arrived a few days later. During that time, I discovered MyDMX already included profiles, but the Mega Panel 7-channel one(the one I prefer) needed some tweaking. It still needs more tweaking, but now it's not a "glowing object" anymore.
I have a couple of ideas for you to try. I am glad I prevented you from buying something that wouldn't have worked for you. Not to say that's not a sweet bit of gear though.

A few ideas. But, I have to assume a few things.

Assumption 1: You have some inexpensive strobe lights. Add a switching pack. BUT: Warning, there is a trickle of voltage on any channels, so I would suggest you use a low wattage(or even LED) night light o the second plug on the channel to "sponge up" that extra juice. Otherwise, the caps in the strobe lights will discharge when they build up enough voltage. Using enough power packs and strobes, you could get some sweet effects using MyDMX, but not sure how this would be programmed. I doubt the FX generator would do it. I'm sure there is a way though. Probably "generic strobe" and doing something. Imagine 20 strobes around a stage circling and strobing. Seizure time!(just kidding, maybe not, you don't know who is in the audience)

Assumption 2: Might be expensive, but a dedicated DMX strobe fixture. Sort of a lot of money in one item, but I'm sure you're aware of that. We're not talking "breaking the bank" kind of money though.

Assumption 3: You might have fixtures that have strobe functionality built in. My 64 LED Pros can do strobing, and I do use the effect. One advantage I really like is the ability to strobe in any color!

There's no right single solution, but with some creativity, you can definately come up with something. What works best ultimately comes down to what you want to do. What other fixtures do you have in your inventory?
Provide links to the manuals.

Venue is a relatively new brand offering highly discounted items in an attempt to dillute the marketplace.

If you note that there are additional profile downloads on the MyDMX page, there are currently no profiles for Venue products.

What I would do is this:
Read your manuals, see if the DMX specs are the same. If so, you could use the same profile for each. I wouldn't. I would at least make the extra effort to make a Par38 and a Par64 profile just to get the specs better for the 3D Visualizer. Also, take into account these fixtures may have multiple operational modes in DMX(such as like with the 64 LED PRo I think has a 3, 4, 6, and 7 channel modes), which all need different profiles to work correctly.

So, throw up links to the manuals and someone will try to get to it.

(Not me, I'm still editing video from October and have a rush job from something on January 8th to bang out and get out the door ASAP)
Hi there Smiler

I'm just getting to learn My DMX having had it for Crimbo, and have tried to make some profiles in the Scan Library but could use some help as I'm not convinced I've done them correctly although they do work on most of the functions.

My equipmet needs are:

FX LAB Defractions laser:

ACME Genesis Moving Head LED MSR20

Spektronic Firecracker 1500W strobe


KAM Quadbar LED

The other equipment I have I've found profiles for having downloaded the latest libarby which now includes the ADJ Revo Xpress, and the Chauvet Colorstrip.

Hope you can help.

Then I can get on with learning how to program scenes such as making all my lights change to a single colour in unison, and sweep from high to low etc. I'm sure I'll be back on the forum to get help with that too! Wink

Many thanks and all the best
Jingles your right the venue par 38's match AMDJ exactly. I have some venue par 38's and using the generic par 38 profile i set them up just fine. But i have since added the ADJ par 38's to my setup. Remember the lower priced items may be a starting point for some people, until they can afford to move up to higher end products.
Hi Jingles

Many thanks for your prompt response and apologies for not listing sites with manuals.
I've now had a search and have hopefully found sites with suitable manuals for each device.

They are listed below. I hope this helps and enables you to put some good driver files together.

FX LAB Defractions laser:

ACME Genesis Moving Head LED MSR20

Spektronic Firecracker 1500W strobe


KAM Quadbar LED

Much appreciated

Many thanks and all the best
Hi all. First post on the forum so i hope this is in the right place. I am installing 13 led parcans as uplighters in my venue. Already use MyDmx as our lighting controller and was wondering if anyone could tell me if the Stairville par 56 led profile already on mydmx would control a stairville par 64 led.
Kind regards
Kam led par bar is in the library update on the website.
so should the REVO 4 profile. I will be making a new .zip folder with the entire library about every month or month and a half. so keep check the my dmx page that is linked in the bottom of my signature. I will have to make the laser profile as well as all of the ones enash put up. so it may be a day or so till i get them to you. I might just upload the whole library for you all to download on you send it instead of trying to remember who asked for what. lol
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