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Same here Chris. It is out of my price range but I can think of a bunch of things to do with it. For example, a bunch of those(about 80 or so) and a very large plexi glass: A very extreme dance floor (But this is my dj side talking). Or for Chris' type shows: this would be fun for The Genetic Repo show he does and also a couple other of his shows.

I can't imagine the mounting hardware required for this.

But this would definitely be epic. Another thing I need to put on my wish list from ADJ. But first the Haze Generator

If you want a hazer, the Antari HZ-300 is CHEAP for what it does and how it does it and the features it has. I have one and I love it. I am debating take it with me for the rave event that goes with the convention I have next week(2 nights of rave, but I have the entire main events room with panels, then live bands, then the rave)

Yup, you do have it right. I have ideas for how to use it for Repo!, as well as for these conventions I do and other stuff. I think I am looking at a 6X8 grid or something like that.

I think the dance floor idea would be freakin' awesome, but you'll definately want something approved for "plus sized dancers"! Definately a permanent install item!

Jingles: I wouldn't recommend the PVC. I feel that with the weight, it will cause the pipe to bend unless you really slice and dice and use couplers like mad. In which case, the entire structure will become very rigid, but at the same time it will become more prone to cataclysmic failure. Fortunately yours isn't a mobile application. I think a whole line of modular accessories for mounting would be a total tie-in success if these panels take off. Imagine these cross-shaped mini-truss items that can plug and lock like lego blocks so you can mount these together. My only problem right now is my design would only allow straight, no angles, but would scale up or down to match whatever the budget is.
Yup definitely on my list to get.

I wanted to go with the ADJ Haze Generator because I heard so many great reviews about it, also saw some great videos on it. I am pretty much sold to that one.
Sorry offtopic
Also Chris sometimes I wish I was in the Sacramento area. I would love to work with your company. I have both experience in lighting and sound from my previous employments. lol I used to do some really big name acts when they would come and perform at the Bar & Grill I worked at.

Back on topic
It looks like you had a lot of fun setting up that rig. So do these panels need MyDMX or madrix neo or Elation compu line to run or does regular dmx work, even though it takes 48 channels(oddly half of the 48/96 ETC Expression board). Wait never mind it would be a hassle to create really good things with a basic dmx board. I will just use it with MyDMX or until I get a compu line.
Hey ya they are fun but no they are not fun to set up. I had to wire them in a snake formation rather than horizontal which required me to turn the middle panels 90 degrees. So kinda like |-| etc. I am using a Madrix neo interface and not knock my beloved compu live or my dmx but the Madrix software really is the way to go to program the best effects easily with these panels. Keep in mind every 10 panels requires a new 512 dmx universe interface or NEO interface. Also not to nitpick but it is compu "live" not line. Smiler
Any other questions about these let me know. Also keep your eye on my you tube channel for more flash panel videos as soon as I get some pipe put together and am able to get these off my floor. Smiler
Wow. I did not even think about that. 10 panels is 480 channels.

I know it was compu live but the reason why I said compu line was because there is:
Compu 2048FC
Compu 2048FC+
Compu Art
Compu Cue
Compu Cue Basic
Compu Live
Compu Show

On a side note can these panels be used on Art-Net? Because I noticed some of the compu line having 20,480 channels on Art-Net. Because that would be an option to do, run your regular light show on standard DMX from the USB-DMX dongle, then run these panels from Art-Net.

(EDIT: Oops miss read the 2048FC+ description, changed to real number. Was 2048 now 20480.)
Ahh ok I see. The compu "line" of products. Forgive me I've been up for over 14 hours. Lol
To use art net I think you would either need a different Madrix interface which ADJ does not sell at the moment. Or a bunch of dmx to Ethernet adapters. But the cost of doing that would be huge. For example my 10 panels and one neo cost close to 2,000 dollars plus shipping. Haha.
But it's a good idea. But what I'm saying is the effects in the Madrix software are awesome and cannot be easily made in compu software or my dmx.
Well, if it was me getting pipe, I'd get at least metal pipe. I don't like PVC for anything other than running sprinklers and/or PVC electrical conduit. For my other purposes, it's just not rugged enough. I've seen too many other PVC disasters to know to avoid it.

If it was me and I was on a budget and it was a fixed install, I'd probably set them up on the ground first, then get measurements and have a board cut with maybe a little bit extra all around, say an inch or so. Who knows, I might go nuts and build a trim border or something. I'd then use a laser level to ensure straight lines(because I'm horrible at that) and ensure my board was straight, and then the lights were straight to the board. Mark, drill, and then bolt into position. Repeat. I'd definately use washers on the back side with the nuts just to ensure the load is spread out.

In the end, I'd probably add 2X4's to the back sides(maybe top and bottom) and maybe some rubber feet so they don't mark up the wall I lean it onto.

It's maybe a lot of extra set-up work, but I'd take my time.

I'm going to wait on these a bit. I gotta get used to Compu Show first, and then I can think about some upgrades. I also think for me, more cans and/or movers is more priority for now, although I do see a wash/blinder purpose for these as well.
Well.....I bought PVC pipe anyways. Got 6 40 inch pieces with 90 deg corners and 2 "T" connectors all for less than 20 buxs at home depot.
I don't think these panels will cause and bending or anything. The panels only weight about 3 pounds each. And I'm only using a 3x3 matrix. not a 5x2. 3x3 just looks better.
Here is a longer video of different effects I made. The next video i put up will have more advanced stuff.

Well, regardless of HOW you built it, the pictures are a really good example of the product and the potential for it.

If you can do some "wide shots" so people can see what it looks like from a distance, it would help.

ADJ is sitting on a sleeper product for this one. I think it's going to take a people a bit to really grasp the potential of this product. Once they do, they are going to have products keeping it on the shelves.

The only downside may be the price of some of the other items to operate the lights. But, people have to realize that's how it goes sometimes. There's always a price somewhere. At the same time, when people see the controller product and the price and the ease of use, that might be able to swing them.

If it wasn't for finances and the direction I need to go in for this year, I'd jump all over these. Maybe 2012.
Thanks, that helps a lot, I missed that in the video before. I've had the panels for a while now and am familiar with the brackets, are you talking about a regular clamp you'd use to mount traditional heads etc like an 'o' clamp? I know adj makes a style of clamp similar to that

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