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I love these low end lasers for my shows and the bang for the buck can't be beat if they work that is.
I first bought a couple of the red and green mini Galxians a few years back and they worked very well weekly for over a year ( after I swapped them out a time or two to actually get two that worked well )

Now I have a special show comming up and saw the Micro Royal Galaxian with blue rather than green and had to get one,
The first hurdle was at Sam Ashe, I get the unit home and it's been well used, I take it back to get a new one and the other two they have out were also used, the customer service fellow was a bit embarrassed one return got back on the shelf but for a total of three returned units to be out for sale was too much,
I got a refund there, but wondered why 3 of these got returned.

Next I tried Guitar store, they had 4 or 5 on the shelf and we opened the box and it was a new unit,
I got it home, I plugged it in turned it on while I installed the battery in the remote, the thrill of the blue wore off quickly when the remote would not work,
I look in the manual and the way to set the remote a feature my older mini Galaxians do not have was to "poke a pointy object in a hole in the case" yikes! can was say short out unit and or get a shock,
I guess the design team and or lawyers saw this as bad idea because while my manual said to set the remote that way I saw the revised remote set button on the rear of the case, it took a few tries but the remote works. ( I can't find any mention of this rear button on the site, hum? )

Now the next problem, if set in just "auto mode" it seems to work okay, ( makes more noise than the old ones ) the red LED on the front flashes slow, but if changed to "sound" it has issues, the red LED on the front seems to blink to the music just like my older mini Galaxians do so it IS hearing the tunes but the laser light just goes pretty much full speed no matter where the "speed" is set, I tried it with different volume settings too and nothing I do will get the laser lights responding to the sound, bummer.

In my older Mini Galaxians if you have them set for sound and there is no sound they go off or "black out" which was pretty cool not this new Micro Royal Galaxian I will repeat when in sound mode it just runs full speed with no response to sounds.

I noticed that many issues posted on here are solved by telling the customer to call support, so do the techs never come on here to help?

I wanted to post this here to see if others have any of my issues, are these small lasers prone to problems? if so that's sad because they are pretty darn cool, and I would have bought several more.

I really do not have time to call support and have them walk me through what I have already tried especially on a brand new item, In my case I will just return it to the store tomorrow and test out the others they have until I find one that works, if none work I will get a refund and give up on what would have been a cool addition to my show.

Anyway let me hear some feedback on this item and in the event you can get mine working in sound mode please clue me in.

Many thanks,
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This is an update,
We went to two stores, what is this trend of putting returned, defective stock back on retail shelves???

Between two stores we tested several of these units and 100% are defective, new right out of the box none work with sound, sure the red LED on the front blinks to sound but the Lasers are not effected by sound mode.

So now I hope to hear from others and especially ADJ to learn if any of these will ever work with sound.

Many thanks!
Originally posted by BobSolero:
I've just received mine... I've got the same problem: when in sound mode it just runs full speed with no response to sounds. Only switching between two colors. No strobe effect or changing movement. It's not really like on ADJ demo video...
look at 0:50

Did you get some answer?

Many thanks!

You see my post and how long it's been up, no replies from ADJ doesn't give me faith in the company, but from all these I personally tested and yours being bad I see this as a factory flaw, perhaps if they get enough returns they will fix it because if it worked as well as the red and green version I would buy several.
I just had one delivered 2 days ago...same issues...does not work in sound activated mode, sometimes the remote doesn't work at all, sometimes the lasers won't even come on (and it is not in blackout mode). The manual is out of date for this model as stated in a previous post and I wonder if they have never heard of proof reading for grammatical errors or even running spell check before finalizing a manual for distribution. Rant over. I will be dropping it off at UPS today, returning to Amazon for a refund. I was really hoping that it would work as they state it does (sound activated), I really like the lasers and I have never had any issues with any of my ADJ products over the years. I really wish they would address this issue and notify us of same.
I watched more videos on youtube from people who tested this laser and I never have seen same effects like on ADJ demo video...

My remote works but is not reactive... (maybe due to RF).

My laser have 3 modes (selecting with push button or remote):
an automatic mode with LED blinking slowly. A second automatic mode where LED blinks slower... and the sound active mode where I only have colors switching but runs at full speed.

On Youtube videos, people have laser running at full speed when in sound active mode...

Maybe our products are not defective but the ADJ video not representative...
Bob...not so fast, these laser ARE DEFECTIVE...( I hate using all caps , lol ) but I do NOT want anyone to get the idea it's us and not the unit.

I have two of the regular green and red Galaxians, they are basically the same as the Royal except the Royal has Blue rather than green, beside early on one of my regular Galaxians had brigthness issues and was swapped out I am not as my heading here says a "bedroom" DJ I used the two lasers every Friday each week for over a year and extra nights as the club needed, last weekend they ran 1/2 the day and all night 3 days in row for bike issues.
The sound mode works great on both.

( I just both a 3rd and it has a way to reset the remote, the old one do not have this )

The Royals simply do NOT have a working sound mode and perhaps if you have nothing to compare it to then you might not realize what they should do ( forget any promo videos of the Royal for now because the one in the video might not work either ) go pull up a video of the old red and green Galaxian in sound mode you will see the difference in a second.
I have had owners of huge venues freak out over how cool the little old mini Galaxians are.

What upsets me the most in this is the company has not chimed in to this thread, ( at least they didn't just delete it ) then the two stores in town who carry these will put open used stock right back on the shelf.

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