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I need a controller that will:

Use chases to set movement of (2) autospot 150�s. I need different Chases that
1) use predetermined speeds (slow fast or anywhere in between) - OR
2) run from an audio trigger. (must have an audio line in on the device)

I need different chases to be assigned to be one of these options. ie. I can�t turn on �audio trigger� on the controller and have it change the speed of my �predetermined speed� chases.

To set a number of PAR cans, color changers and effect lights to some particular mood, and then run a chase at the same time.

I need an audio input, so I can selectivly determine what triggers the chase. In my case, I�ll run a line off the board from the kick drum. This is to be used for the �audio activated chases�

I must be able to run the show from a foot controller. In this case, being able to select the desired scene, which may contain embedded chases. These embedded chases may run a predetermined speeds, or run from the audio trigger.

The stuff in the MIDI section above needs to be run from a foot controller. So I need access to several dozen scenes, using MIDI �note on� signals. I realize many controllers use MIDI note signals to *toggle* a scene on or off. I would prefer to have the controller NOT toggle the scene off, but this isn�t a requirement.

I don't expect the light controller to come with a foot controller, I currently use a Beh*****r midi foot controller that sends midi note info, and plan on using this with the controller

I use a DMX operator, It works fine for scenes, but fails terribly in regards to chases.

Considering controllers from ADJ/elation, C****t and M****n, my reading has shown that the least expensive controller that will do this is the Show Designer.

What do you think???
THANKS in advance for your opinions!
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Originally posted by dj-amproductions:
[qb] The SHOW DESIGNER can do most of what you want except for the foot control part. ALso take a look at the DMX OPERATOR PRO it wont de exactly what you want, but maybe you can make somehting work.

-AMP [/qb]

I clarified my original post to point out I will use a seperate MIDI foot controller to control the light controller, I don't expect to get a foot controller WITH the light controller. The light contoller is just required to accept midi information so i can effectively run it WITHOUT my hands. Sorry for any confusion.
Originally posted by dj-amproductions:
[qb] ALso take a look at the DMX OPERATOR PRO it wont de exactly what you want, but maybe you can make somehting work.

-AMP [/qb]

As far as the DMX operator PRO
- it appears to allow you to record chase speeds along with the chase (good) but doesn't allow you to indicate the chase is to be trigered by audio, rather than a predetermined speed, you need to push the "audio" button while the chase is running. As I MUST run this based on MIDI controll data, so if I can't get to this from MIDI, I can't use it.

Frankly :-) I find the DMX operator pro manual to be unclear (compared to the other controller manuals I've read), especially in regards to the MIDI implementation.

So using the DMX operator Pro, lets say I want to set up the lights so:
- Wash the stage in red
- run the AS150s in a chase
- have the chase react to the audio input

Would I have to send four seperate MIDI notes?
(Wash the stage in red)
Note (35-50) to select a par page
Note (67-72) to select a scene from a page
(run the AS150s in a chase)
Note (59-66) to select a fixture chase
(and then to have chase react to audio input)
Note 82

As far as I can tell, the stage designer could embed all the above settings in a single scene.

Thanks for your thoughts, I do appreciate them.

Would I have to send four seperate MIDI notes?
(Wash the stage in red)
Note (35-50) to select a par page
Note (67-72) to select a scene from a page
(run the AS150s in a chase)
Note (59-66) to select a fixture chase
(and then to have chase react to audio input)
Note 82


No prob, glad I could help. Yeah I think what you said above sounds about right. Something also nice about the SHOW DESIGNER is that is automaticaly recognizes the fixtures your trying to control. This way you dont have to go searching through the lists. Also depening on how much you wanna spend, check out the SHOW CUE as well.

Also depening on how much you wanna spend, check out the SHOW CUE as well.
-AMP [/QB]
The show que looks twice the money, and Its probably way overkill for (2) intelligent lights, (2) effect lights and a few pars :-)

But I'll buy whatever it takes to meet my requirements (stated above) or I'll dump the AS150's.
Originally posted by papasalty:

Also depening on how much you wanna spend, check out the SHOW CUE as well.
-AMP [/qb]
The show que looks twice the money, and Its probably way overkill for (2) intelligent lights, (2) effect lights and a few pars :-)

But I'll buy whatever it takes to meet my requirements (stated above) or I'll dump the AS150's. [/QB]
Yeah true...sorry i forgot its only a few lights...when you open your nite club,,, then you can give the SHOW CUE a look Smiler

Originally posted by Support:
[qb] How many channels do you need to control? By the way a midi foot controller will work with the Show Designer [/qb]
Yes, thanks - It looks like the MIDI implementation on the show designer will work with my B*h*i*g*r MIDI foot controller.

How many channels? Well I have:
-(2) AutoSpot 150s, I guess thats 12 channels? But I'll run them "mirrored", so thats really only 6.
- (4) small pars that run on a DMX relay, so thats 4 more channels
- (3) effect lights that also run off a DMX relay of 3 more channels

So all in all, 9 lights and about 15 channels. It is VERY unlikely the lights will grow beyond this. I have no more room in my van and we compete in a market where the other bands have NO lights.

My big need is to be able to set the mood with the pars, and at the same time run chases both "internally timed" and "kick drum" activated :-)

Thanks - tim
Well you could use a Scene setter 24 channels which allows you to Record the speed of one chase and let the other move to sound. You can play back multiple chases in Mix mode. The thing with the scene setter is the nomenclature A scene in this is really what you would call a chase. Call me Joey at 800 322 6337 I am shooting video in 20 minutes and will be busy the rest of the day. Be available tomorrow or right now!

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