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Whenever I watch music video's on MTV and when I see some video's with these lights in the background of a video and the light goes so like so bright then dim down, you can usaully find these in most rock video's. Does anyone have an idea what type of light this is , A name? I want a pair of them so bad Roll Eyes Razzer .


Dj Vm Roll Eyes
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I think I am talking about ACL's like when they go super bright then dim again, they like are the color white so it isnt a parcan , i know that.

EXAMPLE OF THIS FIXTURE: you know on the COOR's beer comercial and they are all in the club and the whole room lights up super bright , like so bright ur squinting.

hope that helps


help Confused
ACL = AirCraft Landing lights. It's a type of bulb, like a PAR (Parabolic Aluminized Reflector). Sometimes they can be in PAR Can like units or commonly you'll find them in a matrix (4 x4, 2x8, stuff like that). They are quite popular in concerts and normally are used as an audience blinder.
Usually they are called Blinders or Punch lights. Adj used to make 2 different ones but most middle to higher end strobes can do this also some ADJs strobe can do this, lots of pars, or a punch light unit it usually have many bulbs close together in a box they also usually have barn doors on them too.
These kind of lights are used on somehting called a Cyclorama. (used on stages). Mostly called "Cyc Lights" ADJ akes one
Next time you are at a show and the back of the stage all of a sudden gets relly bright. That;s cause of a "cyc light". The cyclorama is actually a huge curtain like thing that goes all the way across the stage. Usually white,

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