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I trusted someone when telling me the units worked. I bought these for my son's Christmas present. I found that segments of the blue LEDs do not work. I can't afford the $50 each to replace them. Could this be caused by a cold solder joint? What can I attempt to do to fix the LED boards?

Thanks in advance

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Hi Jeff,

Sorry to hear about your problem. Unfortunately this is a relatively common problem among LED units. Obviously the most guaranteed way to fix the units would be to take the units to an American DJ dealer for proper repair. That option is also the most costly too. If you're pretty certain which part is causing the problem, you can buy replacement parts from ADJ's website, though from what you wrote that doesn't seem to be an option either. Honestly, your ability to fix the lights will weigh heavily on how talented you are with a multimeter and soldering iron. Most LED lights have all the diodes on a one-piece printed PCB, so you need to find and isolate a break or bad diode in the faulty circuit. This might be tricky but is not impossible.

Of course being an internal issue I have to add my usual disclaimer that you shouldn't open the unit unless you know enough about circuits and electricity to not zap yourself!

Hope this helps!
Thanks Jeff. I got the scanners repaired by removing blue leds from a REVO 3 that had the same issues. I used a coin battery to check which leds were good and soldered them into place. I just need to buy some leds to replace the blue I stole from the Revo. I'll look on ebay for some 5mm blue or color changers and see what happens. I appeared that each of the out 3 led segments had just one bad led in that segment.
That's great! It sounds like you're quite skilled with your soldering iron then. I'm sure you can find some adequate LEDs from somewhere online. At least in the worst case you'd only need to replace one PCB instead of multiples! Glad to hear you were able to make nice progress though. You've certainly done better than most on here who have tried to fix their LED units. Best of luck with the rest of the repair!
No problem, and yes, you can chain all the lights together if you're going to use them in DMX mode. Just be sure to then set the units' DMX addresses appropriately and you'll be good to go. Not to state the obvious, but you'll also need a DMX controller to operate the units in DMX mode (not sure if you have one since you didn't mention it). You should also be able to chain the lights together and run them in master/slave mode. If you read through these threads though you'll probably notice that master/slave mode is apparently pretty glitchy when using different units together. All being from the REVO Series, I would hope they play nicely together but you'll have to try for yourself and see. Make sure only one unit is set to 'master' and all the others are set to 'slave'. From what other users say you might have to play with the order of how the units are chained together to get them to act the way you want. Be sure to post back on how that works if you decide to give it a try!

Unless it's buried deep in the Scan's digital menu, there doesn't seem to be a way to adjust its sound sensitivity. I guess they felt it wasn't necessary on that particular unit?
Yes, that's generally the idea - the unit set as 'master' will be the first light in the chain and will control the lights strung into the DMX Out set to slave. It's just that weird things seem to start happening when you mix units of a different model into a single master/slave system. Seeing that this forum has its moderators back who work for American DJ and know much more about their products than I do, I'd pass this question over to them just to be sure! You just definitely don't want two units in the same chain set to master as that will certainly cause undesired behavior. And yes, the units 'should' remember which mode they were last set to even after the power has been removed. Hope everything works out for you!

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