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hey just wanted to say welcome first. and no i don't own a accu 300 sys. but it is unclear what kind of ideas u need. so if u could just tell me that im sure i will be able to help u. did u need help with programming? do u own a intelligent controller? what kind of ideas do u need? thanks! hope to hear from u soon! peace! jingles!!
Thanx jingles for welcome me yeah am pretty happy with buying this system and its gonna be my first time working with this kinda lights never had some like this sys so i don't have an idea about how to program this sys , the sys will come with DMX PARTNER so how much can i do with dmx partner and how about compuware by elation am thinking buying this compuware too soo and onother how much can i do with my 4 accu spot 300 i need ideas tips about how to work with this system
hey. i can def. reccommend compuware! i have the free demo u an download off the site!! i can also help u with that if u choose to go that route. the dmx partner is limited. it would be better to buy a dmx operator 192 with the joy stick. i have one of those and they are nice. but my questiond for u is this: do u know how to use dmx and do u know how DMX works?? if u don't i can teach ya! but right now i have to go to bed cause i got to work early. so i wil post some stuff tomm. when i read ur reply to this. also click on the link to the dj forum on the bottom of my post and read some stuff i have posted in the lighting section. i explain how dmx works! well i will talk to you soon! peace! jingles! Wink
p.s. here is a direct link to how dmx works that i posted on this other forum!
here is a copy of what i posted in the forum about how DMX works! tell me if u understand this first then i can go into more detail! ok?
"hello all i figured i would start a topic about dmx the universal language between all lightiing manufactures and controllers. ok? here we go! dmx stands for DIGITAL MULTIPLEX it is basically a bunch of 0's and1's. serial numbers pretty much! all intelligent lighting fixtures have a certain number of DMX channells for all the features in a light. for example my performance scan 250 is a 6 ch. DMX fixture. channel 1 controls pan (left and right) channel 2 controls tilt (up and down). channel 3 controls the color wheel. in which every color is assigned a certain dmx value (between 0-255) so say white is 0-10 and blue is 11-21 etc. it can be broken up any way the maker of the light sees fit as long as there are enough features per channel to go all the way to 255(maximum). channels 4 controls gobos(same thing as color wheel just no colors just patterns and it is on a different wheel which is not always the case with some intelligent fixtures) channel 5 controls gobo rotation. that is a feature found on more expensive fixtures cause it is initself some what expensive to put in. what that does is it rotates the individual gobo via a motor and makes it spin in a circle. channel 6 controls the shutter. u could have a adjustable shutter( mechanical shutters) and u can also use the shutter to strobe or create a pulse effect." jingles!!
i dont really understand this yet but u know what am gonna do this , am gonna read this information that u post try to understand it cz def am gonna need my compuware program , i already have the 4 accu spots 300 so the next thing its gonna be the compuware for sure then i can star working hard gettin to know how to work the software with te accu s 300 i will let u know anyways when i get it ok
so do u understand what i posted? also do u have a controller right now or are u waiting till u get compuware? what part did u have understanding i can elaborate if u want.also if u have yahoo instant messenger hit me up i am jingles8302. ok? peace! and good luck. also let me know how those accu spot 300's work cause im thinking of buying one this upcoming tax season!! jingles!Smiler
The accu spot 300 are just great and i still dont understand what u post , what am gonna do its am gonna buy my compuware ones i get my compuware theni will let u know right now am readin information etc etc about dmx , compuware and staff i have msn but am gonna get a yahoo right now ok
Yeah am Djclickmix yahoo so i got the email cool website digital 1200
ok this is what got me confuse

a bunch of 0's and1's. serial numbers pretty much! all intelligent lighting fixtures have a certain number of DMX channells for all the features in a light. for example my performance scan 250 is a 6 ch. DMX fixture. channel 1 controls pan (left and right) channel 2 controls tilt (up and down). channel 3 controls the color wheel. in which every color is assigned a certain dmx value (between 0-255) so say white is 0-10 and blue is 11-21 etc. it can be broken up any way the maker of the light sees fit as long as there are enough features per channel to go all the way to 255(maximum). channels 4 controls gobos(same thing as color wheel just no colors just patterns and it is on a different wheel which is not always the case with some intelligent fixtures) channel 5 controls gobo rotation.
if u can break it down please please
ok well what i meant by o's and 1's is that the controller reads the binary code of the dmx value so say like a dmx value of 127 has a binary value aswell but that isn't displyed so u don't have to worry about the binary part i was just tellin you that it is a code. ok a intelligent fixture operates by a certain number of channels ok? so the more channels you have in a light the more features your intelligent fixture has. so ur accu spot 300's have each 11 channels. that is a good decent amount but i have seen fixtures go all the way up to 30 some odd channels!!! that is a lot. now each specific channels in a intel. light does a certain task that helps control and change the over all efect of the light and what your trying to program. ok? now usually on a light the first 2 or 4 channels are for pan and tilt. which means 1 ch. can control the movement of left to right or up and down. ok? understand this so far? but there is something called 16 bit control which if you have 16 bit or otherwise known as "fine" pan/tilt then u have a 16 bit fixture! which means it will micro step the motors that move the intel. fix. up and down or left and right. and so the reason u might have 4 channels is cause u have reg. pan and fine pan and reg. tilt and fine tilt. understand that? you should take a look at your manual that came with the lights it has a dmx value chart you should study that for when u get compuware cause it is in those values that will teach you how u want to program ur lights!! here is a link to the file!!dmx chart of accu spot 300! let me know if u need more help! peace! jingles!!!

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