I've used the Chauvet show express software, its a piece of crap - be happy you will get it for free! The manual for the software is like 5 lines long.
Spend a little more time shopping and thinking about your purchase, you can probably save more than $200 per fixture.
Good luck getting product support for those Legends five years from now. Do you think that the Full Sail grad that will sell you the stuff is going to come out to your church and help you install the lights, show you how to program that chauvet controller , or troubleshoot your fixtures as part of his sale?
Another thing, are you going to keep those lights powered on during sermons? There is a church here in town that went to guitar center and bought 2 Qspot 250's, they have to turn them off during sermons because the fan noise is so bloody loud, they can't even use them during plays because they are almost as loud as the dialog on stage.
I am sorry if I sound harsh man, I don't want to be the mean/snobby guy on the message board, I am actually a pretty pleasant guy.
I am the guy that gets called to turn lemons into lemonade! I get called by churches that either compulsively purchase the stuff and don't know how to use it or its been three years and the people that used to know how to make it work have now left to bigger churches - and I have to go there and clean up their mess.
Its one thing to spend $600 buying 2 cheap scanners - you want to go out and spend $3600 on lights that have no history of being great lights besides the word of the sales guy that watched a product video during a product training seminar. Try to consider something that has a proven track record. Example, the Elation Design Spot 250 - live design magazine did a writeup about this light and gave it really great remarks - search liveaudio.com's forums, the light has similar high remarks from end users. The light has been on the market for 2 years now. Another example on something in the cheap range is the Martin Mania SCX 500, do a search at start.prodj.com and there is a pile of threads from people raving about these lights. I am not saying that the legends won't make you happy and accomplish your goals of providing kinetic trendy church lighting.
I just want you to purchase something that has a proven track record and be smart with your cash. Those Legends have been out less than a year - no one has talked about these lights on any message board or gave them a end users review.
Churches should stay out of Guitar Center.Seriously dude, here is what you can do with $4000....
~1 Follow spot $900
~2 Elation Focus Spots $1600
~12 More Par cans with dimming and 500 watt lamps $1200
~1 DMX operator $100 (maybe mydmx when it comes out, if it is cool enough)
~200' DMX cable $100
The Focus Spots are smaller than the legends, in your new sanctuary they can be used on stage L/R of your drum riser. Maybe you can get 4 good scanners for $2000 to tie you over. Yeah scanners aren't as cool but they will accomplish the same goal of providing movement and static effects. Remember, you won't regret buying a good follow spot. Hang those 12 cans upstage and do a three color back light wash. I suggested the same system in this thread
this thread... (with pics) There is nothing like a good par show.