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I am a keyboard player in a classic rock band. We play small clubs with anywhere from 10-100 people. I want to purchase a lighting system for less than $1000, although I could add more to it in the future. How about the Rainbow 250 system? I am planning on using my laptop as a DMX controller with some third party hardware/software. I welcome your opinions and suggestions.

Original Post
It all depends what you are going for. I would get trussing ang crank stands to hang everything on, as for basic color...par cans with colored gels are great, also dimmerpacks for the cans. Rainbow 250 are cool, you could have them on the bround behind the band and with fog it looks like to light is coming out of the shadows...really cool effect. As for intel effects take a look at the concept 1&2, or even the dj scans.

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