Couple hundred watts
heehee, Pink Floyd only uses 1-3 watt lasers. (You'd need a couple of semi's for power and a cooling plant heehee) Couple hundred milliwatts
I have a few 50mW green lasers, and they light the place up on their own, but on stage you need to dim the lights for them to really stand out. Of course, this is all theory since using them in public is illegal w/out a variance. Haze works pretty well, but fog adds additional texture to the light pattern. Haze just shows the beam nice and even, where fog looks like the a nebula from a Hubble photo
Anyway, try not to mess w/ red, you need a lot more power to make it visible. To balance out a red/green laser you would use like 70mW red/ 40mW green. Ebay is full of cheap, powerful lasers from China, you might not get the full power they advertise (who has a meter anyway?) and the FCC hasn't approved them so you will never get a variance for them. Also they have very cheap motors in them so the effects are subpar (but bright). A US made version will/could be legal (if you get the variance) and will probably be more flexible/look better, but at about 3-4x the cost. Not sure how they (China) can do it so cheaply or if its some US based regulation that makes them so expensive here.