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Well the last 2 weeks here in SD have been the Annual San Diego County Fair. I;m talking bout million sof poeple coming through the fair grounds...which means that the shows are very important. Well I as at the fair a couple days ago...and of course Mr Lighting Maniac over here has to go to all of the stages and be amazed by all of the lights. Weel on one of the smaller stages...although pretty kick a$$ light show I noticed something familiar from a I went closer to check it out. Sure enough hanging from the large truss square..were 12 mighty scans!!! But thw weired thing was..they wewre all upsidedown? Anyways...way to go ADJ for providing the lighting industry with inexpensive, relaible and impactful lighting equipment. Oh...i saw the show with the lights...I walked away from the stage with my mouth wide open and a puddle of drool following me all the out thr front gate of the fair!!!
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Originally posted by BC:
[qb] by the way of how you described it. you were amazed by the effect that they produced. yet dumbfounded of why they were flipped. Big Grin am i right. Razzer [/qb]
Yeah that pretty much sums it up...i mean they had the scanners pointing towards the ceiling...yet i guiess the mirror was pointing down enough that the beams still hit part of ghe stage...i don;t know...all i know is that whatever they was pretty awesome!

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