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Well, kind of a follow-up to my call with parts. My little Big Shot is shot. Not totally, but the reflector is, well, all ruined thanks to water damage. I won't go into the water damage outside of saying "leaky truck box" and "insufficient protection" at leave it at that. This was not an ADJ failure. I can still use the fixture for microscopic events.

So, here's the concept. I have a 15-foot truss. I'm probably going to get the triangle truss sections and the appropriate parts within a year and I already have the Crank-2 stands, so I'm good on that. But, think 15 to 20-foot truss span. Unfortunately, my typical events are becoming weddings, but hey, pays the bills.

Keep in mind I'm not a DJ, I'm an audio engineer and own and operate a sound production company. I am technical literate and highly skilled.

Typical stages are anywhere from 20-30 feet wide, and often no deeper than 12 feet. What I am looking for is either single fixture or a system to cover typically indoor stages with a strobe effect. I do want something that can cover larger stages outside, even though the effect might not be as dramatic. I figure most of the time it would be pointed at the dance area though and not the band. Also, having a mounting bracket is a must.

Sure, strobe chasing would be cool, but I'm not working with groups that would need that sort of thing. I'm not working with groups needing those sort of requirements, but I won't discount it, despide never using it.

I have dimmer packs and power packs with DMX, so that's an option. I'm also not opposed to a DMX fixture or a system.

I'm sure you've seen me talk about power consumption concerns. With the strobe, I won't be as concerned since it would usually be the only light on for maximum effect and wouldn't be on for a whole song.

I do have other fixtures with strobe capabilities(2 ADJ, 2 by that CH----- company). However, these fixtures just don't get the job done for me. I definately need a real strobe unit.

Looking at the Strobe Pak, for it's price, it seems failr rounded, and I can disperse the strobe over a wider area via multipe points, although overall, the effect may be dimmer.

The S-81 seems a bit underpowered for my application. Maybe it isn't. Would need multiples, I'm sure.

The SnapShot seems like a quick and cheap upgrade path over the Big Shot, but I just see coverage issues. Don't look at cheap as "junky", I'm just refering to pricing.

Looking at the Mega Flash DMX, this fixture looks like I should center mount it on the truss and it should have a wide coverage pattern. With 800 watts, I wonder what the usable coverage is, especially if I decide to point it at the dance area as opposed to the band. For the price, it seems like it's a cost-effective option.

Just want some additional input and opinions.
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The Proton seems to be a rather well rounded fixture. I'm sure though since it's an Elation producted(rather, Elation branded), I'm no doubt convinced with it's 4+X price take over the Mega Flash that it should be more durable and longer life.

What I noticed is that although it has a lower wattage bulb, it can burst to twice that output, which is quite a load on circuits that I would already be struggling to not be popping breakers on, be it mine(preferable) or the venue's. Of course, I could choose to not use this feature.

The main cool feature I noticed on the Proton is the color changer. The fact that it's a fixed gel loop is not a concern for me, it's got the colors I would want. However, the amount of shows I've seen using strobes, it's always been white/clear, and that's what my clients would expect. Of course, you can simply respond "don't use the colors then, problem resolved".

Proton sounds good. Mega Flash has a better price break and considering my usage would be infrequent, it makes more sense. I can always upgrade to the Mega Flash Pak if I needed more punch by adding the parts as needed. The price should break even.
Originally posted by Chris Pickett:
With the strobe, I won't be as concerned since it would usually be the only light on for maximum effect and wouldn't be on for a whole song.

I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. I can see turning off other lights for added effect, but a single center strobe should only be used very sparingly. A strobe is the accent to a light show, the climax in some cases. Have you ever stared into a strobe light for a few minutes? You get dizzy, fast. That’s how your audience will feel.

If you want to use strobes all the time, then I would go for the multiple smaller strobes. This way you can dim them and fire them at random intervals to give you a cool effect without blinding your audience.

As for buying a strobe... I would, in your case, buy a single center strobe as talked about and consider how much you want to spend. You could pay $100 for the mega or $400 for an Atomic. Quality and features will vary with each one. If you don’t really have a fixed price however, the proton color or proton star are not bad choices as they are in the middle with relatively good reliability and a handful of cool features.

I own two Protron Colors and they are overall great fixtures. The "power burst" effect is simply another way of saying that this fixture offers duration, meaning the lamp stays steady istead of flashing. The colors are a good option and I believe you can replace the gels with different colors if you wanted to. My only complaint is the fact that it doesnt dim smoothly to 0%. It can only go down to about 30% which is inconvenient if you want to do certain programming effects. If you dont need the colors, the Protron Star is another option. It is simply an American DJ Megastrobe DMX with the added channel of duration.

A few side notes...The fan in this unit is really loud. I dont think the AMDJ units have fans because none of them have a duration channel. Also, if you plan on using this unit without a DMX controller (using the dip switches for speed and intensity), the color wheel has to reset every time it turns on.

Let me know if you have any more questions.
I hear what Homeboy is saying about not using it as the only light. Valid point, most likely would be taken under consideration.

As far as the usage, it would be more along the lines of what Homeboy is saying: an accent or climax sort of thing, get people's attention, which is why I said I'd never use it for a whole song, maybe 10 seconds at a stretch max. This will be a sparingly applied effect when it is used, and most shows this won't be used at all.

The power burst feature is an interesting option now that it is explained. I can use the fixture as a blinder as well, which addresses another thing I was thinking about but not discussing yet.

As far as using with a DMX controller, that is mandatory. I have a DMX Operator, so I'm covered.

I'm now seeing more of a need for both a large center fixture and then a set of 4 smaller ones. Point the big one OUT, the small ones IN.

Remember, I mainly deal with bands and concerts, so I have to take into consideration both sides of the truss. I'm out in audience land/FOH. I have to keep the band lit AND have something as necessary on the floor.
O_O I think I'm going blind....

I thought you said you WOULD leave it on for the whole song!

Sorry about that, you are correct in using it only at climatic points.

As for the choice between one or four strobes... my personal opinion would be that for band-sound applications or performance type shows that the four smaller would be an obvious choice. There are just so many cool, energetic effects you can create with multiple strobes in a truss vs. just the one. If you are going more DJ applications then definitely, go for the single strobe.

You may also want to factor in power requirements and set up time between the two. Are these important factors for you?

Personally, I dislike strobes. But, my clients want them, so I got to have something.

I hear your argument for multiple strobes for band/performance events, which is my preference. My main issue is synchronization, as in I'd want those strobes, when used at once, to be synched together. What is unclear on the strobe controllers is are they providing sync/clock to ensure proper timing? Theoretically it should be possible. However, with my two ADJ Color Fusions, even with DMX cables, they won't strobe in sync, which despite being annoying from a technical point of view, I think that this being 180-degrees out of phase being kind of neat in this case. I see the 4 strobes being of lesser intesity, but providing coverage. I'm sure I could get creative with effects wiht multiple strobes, but I probably won't. Having options is always a nice thing though.

As far as DJ applications, that simply doesn't exist in my world since I don't do that. Closest I get is karaoke, which typically becomes me playing some techno and trance discs while people dance after the booze kicks in good. Not for me, I don't drink.

My main thought with one fixure would have been: With band: point at stage. With karaoke: point at dance floor/audience. But, with the Elation fixture, I get a blinder option as well.

So, now you're confusing me. UGH!! Well, not really. I had been thinking of multiple small ones, but maybe I should get a little more nutso and get the big single and the group of smaller ones. The bigger debate is the Elation Proton vs the ADJ Mega Flash. Price does factor in, and really, I don't get much call for the strobe to actually be used, but many folks do want me to hang in, so the application pushes the Mega Flash, and I can always get a Proton later.

Now, another topic you brought up is set-up time, and my clients tend to not have the concept that it takes time to do things. This again pushes the single fixture solution. With a strobe controller, I've got to run additional signal cables, and that's not time efficient.

Power is always a concern. But, if I go with the MegaFlash, it's only 800 watts, which should leave me with 1000 watts left over on a 15-amp circuit, theoretically, which does leave me enough juice to run some Par38's, my Color Fusions at 50%, or even my other color changing fixtures(Ch---- Initimidators) for general lighting, or heck, even my Ch----- QSpots. I'd probably kill off any dance lights if the strobe was on.

Regardless, DMX-512 control is a requirement. All the solutions we've discussed have factored that in, directly or indirectly.

As it is, I don't use my fog machines due to current draw, and will be moving to a hazer for the option at lower current draw. Even so, it's not a requested item. Considering my competitors use a relay pack with a random programed running a mish-mash of lights a teeny fogger on a timer, I have no competition.

Next month I'm setting up my lights and programming my DMX Operator(with heavy channel by channel value documentation). I want to be able to do something more than my regular logical yet random stuff. I've got too many fixtures now and hence using too many channels. I don't want to spend money to get lots of faders when I've already got all the power I need in my now 6 year old DMX Operator.
Hmm, those fusions should sync fine, maybe you need to check your dmx line (i.e. right cables/terminator installed etc.)

With the multiple strobes, the ones you were looking at at least, have analog control which will sync up with no problems. You could even get a separate strobe controller with dmx capabilities so you could do everything synced from a dmx remote.

As for set up and tear down, think of how you can reduce time. I assume all your audio equipment is in its racks with only a few cables needing to go from one to the other besides power right? Well do the same with your lights! If you have the room for it (transportation wise), put the lights on the truss at home and bring the whole thing to the venue, put it on stands and be done. You can also pre-wire your truss so that u just plug and hang (if you can't fit pre-rigged fixtures).

If you are going to get both types of strobes however, I would definitely go for the mega just for price. Your right, you can always upgrade later.

Those Fusions should, but they don't. I bought 2 10-foot DMX-certified 3-pin cables with a DMX terminator(in addition to the terminator I made) for test purposes. Problem still exists. I need the cables anyways, but I need around another 300 feet of DMX cabling in various lengths, but that's another discussion.

As far as set-up and tear down: With I-Beam trussing(see web site for pictures), the fixtures are not protected very well, plus the truck is so darn full, it would be difficult to move a loaded truss. Even pre-wired would save time, but I don't use a standard set-up yet, so it's too hit and miss, but I am debating on pre-wiring the trusses at least. I need 5 more dimmer packs to really start making things more standardized, Neatness is a big issue, but tie-wraps can deal with that. I just haven't planned the whole thing yet. I have researched some socapex cabling, which is definately a way to go.

As far as the pro gear, it's all in racks. But, when I have to run back and forth between FOH and stage in a restaurant with tables in my way to teach my crew how to do this(again), it slows things down. But I'm getting new crew, so that problem is resolved. Then, FOH is connected to the stage box via a 200-foot cable with 56 balanced lines in it, and a 200-foot Cat-5 for returns, and additional Cat5's, coax and video and signal for lights, and what-not. These cables are all on sepparate reels for ease of moving, but a 200-foot cable with 56 lines it in isn't an easy mover no matter how you look at it! Then there's the 7 Ten47 multi-pins for the console to racks, which goes quick. But I also need help setting up the 76-input Allen & Heath ML5000 48B, since I can't move the darn thing up onto the EZ Tilt by myself and no way I can remove the case alone.

Don't get me started on crew problems. That's something I just don't want to address.

The Mega looks like the best way to start off for a budget. The Proton is a better option but pricey. A Proton would make the Mega a waste of money should the Proton be purchased second. The smaller strobes with a controller would be fine either way.

I really got to determine best purchase for needs. The Mega wins that hands down. I can always get dedicated blinders, which is not all that unusual anyways.

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