Originally posted by Mr. Clipuptags:
[qb] Why do you want to go with a folded horn sub? Are you going to be doing a lot of outdoor venues that require massive throw???
well, not alot of outdoor venues...but thats basically the reason why i want them....throughout the year i do 2 festivals ...and a few small outdoor stuff....and i usually use 4 subs (2yamaha SW118V and 2Peavey SP118X)...but this year...i no longer have the peavy's at my disposal because
1)they're my cousins
2)he wont let me use them anymore(long story) he's a selfish F#@%.
so now im left with 2muddy subs..which are ok for indoor but for outdoor....well, they just get laughed at. so, im thinkin of buying a pair of folded horn subs and selling the yamaHAHA's...as for the MP418...they're nice subs...but to get a pair.. i'd be spending a little too out of my budget...plus i just want a folded horn sub...did i also mention i like the size??...lol...i like big thangs..