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I just purchased a Fog Storm 1700HD to replace my dying Vaporizer about 2 months ago. Anyway, to make a long story short, when breaking down from a gig this past Saturday night, when removing the controller, the FS-DMX-T, that comes with it, I pulled on the hard plastic casing surrounding the plug, and the metal piece inside it, the actual din plug, decided to detach from the rest of the cable. This now renders the controller useless. Is this a fairly common issue? This is the second time this has happened to me. The original Vaporizer controller did the same thing, but I had already ordered the timer control for it.

Now then, seeing as the unit is 2 months old, and I didn't yank the cord, it wasn't tripped over, etc, I simply went to remove the plug, will warranty replace this? I can't send the whole machine in, I need it for the gig's I've booked. I'm stuck using the manual fog button on the back of it now instead of DMX or the timer.

If warranty will not cover this, can I get the correct pin out info to at least try and solder a new din on it, ie, what color wire to which din plug?

I've never had any problems with any of my other AMDJ equipment, it just those darn plugs on fog controllers seem to like to come apart on me. Pocket Scans have been running great for several years now, my fabs, electras, dmx solo, operator, DJ Scan's, Snapshot 2's, Mega Strobe DMX, S-4a/dmx, etc, never had problem one!

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