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I was doing sound for a couple of college productions. One year the theater class did Hair(not enough hot bodies in that one, and those that were were rather shy for that scene at the end of act 1).

Anyhow, I hated that production ONLY from the stand-point that they did use fog heavily for a couple of things, AND there was a "pot smoking" scene. As a result of both activities, it was discovered during final rehearsals that the smoke alarms had to be disabled for both acts.

(Just for information, they make a "stage" marijuana that looks, andm as they tell me, smells like the real thing. I can't stand drugs, never tried them so I'll never know).

A venue is rarely going to overlook safety and fire concerns, especially after that Great White concert in Rhode Island a couple of years ago. So, if they say don't use it, then don't use it. It's best to play nice to ensure a long-term relationship with the venue. See the venue as a partner and they may toss you jobs.
Well I work in a couple different theatres in SD presently. Only problem is that you're all the way in fallbrook and I live in Rancho Bernardo and La Jolla (divorcred parents..ya kno), go to school in Carmel Valley, and also do a lot of work out in East county (del cerro,el cajon, san carlos etc). So everything is a schlep for me as it is. Is there a website for the theatre? Id love to check it out and get some more info on it. -AMP
Sounds great! I would love to work up there...its just a bit of a schlep for me thats the only problem. Let me know if there are any events that come up around winter break/spring break times and of course over the summer. I would love to be able to work with you. E-mail me too

-AMP Smiler

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