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Thanks for helping me out..... Iam gg a duratruss with an extra 5' section I will have 15' accross...thinking of using 4 or 6 focus spots but wondering if the performace scan 250's would ok....a lot cheaper. I am a singer so the lights would be behind me..would prob use 4 par led's on the truss also for color fill along with a hazer..what do you think...The prob is I cant go see this stuff so its tuff to jude by the videos...oh yea iam gg a magic 260 controller...thoughts? actually iam trying to get a look somethinglike the pic iam attaching


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  • lights1
wow! good design! and cool pic. i have the performance scan's and i also have a p36 led can from adj! and they are both nice fixtures! very affordable and u get a decent bang for ur buck. the performance scan works well and it just might be better suited for ur needs cause they take less room than a moving head and still have nice features. also i have a dmx operator 192 with joystick and i was wanting to get the magic 260 aswell. the magic 260 is a good controller with a bunch of loaded features.also on the performance scan u get the rotating gobos and u can split the colors and create multi colored looks! but for the led i would go with maybe just a p36 blinder and center it in the truss pointing out in the crowd a lil bit or get 4 p64 led cans! if u have anymore questions u know where to find me! peace! jingles! also remember to take pics and post em here!! i would like to see how that works out! jingles! Wink p.s. here is a pic of my stuff!


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  • Image001
hah! martin is expensive!!! try adj and if u don't like it within 30 days get rig of it and then try martin! the gear is wholly up to you but the performance scans have more colors and the focus spots have brighter bulbs. and i think the spots have better gobo's but u can always change out the gobo's in the performance scans! if money is an object go with perf. scan. if not then elation focus spots. but def. get the dura truss and the magic 260! p.s. don't let the dealers push u around it is YOR MONEY!! they are their to serve YOU! remember that. my personal opinion is either way if u mount the lights the right way u can get a good effect similar to that pic and be happy with it which ever u decide for lights it should look good specially with a hazer! my two watts! anything else let me know! jingles! Big Grin

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