If you're syncing something to a tape or other typically linear source, SMPTE is just fine. But if I don't have to have tape involved, it makes life a lot easier.
These days, we don't slave up audio tape decks to video decks too often. Even less so, syncing up video decks to things like ProTools and other DAWs. Now it's almost all in the computer.
Or maybe you prefer the older film bisync days? Ah, that fun!
Since I can import video into ProTools, along with MIDI files, I don't have a whole lot of need to do much with SMTPE anymore. Now that I'm using Sony Vegas, I can also streamline a lot more of the video post. Lots of flying back and forth between ProTools and Vegas though, lots of time wasted in rendering for now as I learn more efficient methods. I'm not a video guy.
Yeah, I'm not a video guy. I'm force-teaching myself multi-camera editing via Sony Vegas. I'm sure my video friends will laugh at me later.
But, going back to a live show....
Since I can't pop a MIDI track into Vegas(that I am aware of), I can in ProTools. SHOULD I need MIDI, I'd be boned. Why might I need this? Let's say I want to trigger MyDMX....
In ProTools, I have less issue, but my video routing sucks, as it's a DAW, not a video package, but I can incorporate MIDI. But I can integrate multiple displays, so I can route the video to a second display and resolve my issue, fully incorporating video, MIDI and multi-channel audio.
I guess we could slam a good robus video format through a TBC and stripe SMTPE, then sync up the video to multi-channel audio on a DAW and some other goodies, but I'm just trying to avoid tape. At least I know I can sync up if I want to. My facilities for that aren't totally "modernized" since I'm using older Opcode Studio 4 and Studio 64 XTC interfaces on a Mac, but I can use that to distribute out additional MTC as necessary. Between the Studio 4's in the drum rack, the keyboard rack, and then a Studio42 XTC in the old Pro Tools rack, I forget where the other Studio 4 resides, it's been so long, but I know I have spares.
Right now, the biggest issue is that users don't understand the difference between MTC, MTC with SSP(song position pointers, what SMTPE converts to via most MIDI interfaces with SMTPE), and MIDI clock are all about.
For most users here, they don't need timecode sync, all they need to do is add in their trigger commands to a dedicated MIDI track and channel. Even so, timecode isn't going to help them unless they're slaving to some external source that is probably linear. Since MyDMX doesn't have anything to do with timecode, timecode doesn't enter the picture.