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Without a manual or listing of DMX attributes, it's gonna be really tough to impossible to make a profile. If the owner has a manual, please scan the DMX attributes unless you want to take the time to type it up. All I can say is "Don't give up". You might even have to go as far as moving each fader bit by bit trying to discover values.
Please post a link to the manual or post the DMX attributes.

Unless it's just R,G,B, Dimmer and strobe only. If that's all it is, you can take a 7-channel 64 LED Pro 7-channel profile, SAVE AS and then remove the macro(4) and Channel 6. If nothing else needs to be moved, you SHOULD be done. If in your fixture Dimming is 4 and strobe is 5, you're going to need to flip those around. I would suggest removing channel 4(in your profile) and then re-adding it, which should add it back as Channel 5. Take notes before you delete it so you can make it easier.
Mr. hoyes, your profile was sent to your "BMW" email account.

@Feature I cannot find any information on your fixture. Might need a web link from you. and if you need it soon post the link asap as next week i am out of office all week attending the mobile Beat Show in Vegas. I have searched online and in my personal directory and no luck for a optima led par 64 can. Could have sworn i had one though. Let me know.
I don't see any usable DMX traits in that document. Sorry. It does say it works off DMX though.

First, let's bypass this profile stuff. Assign DMX channels and does the unit respond to the DMX controls coming from MyDMX, based on the channels being utilized? You do realize you need a 3 to 5-pin adaptor, right? I'm sure you're way past that. If the unit is responding, then you know it's NOT MyDMX or your wiring.

Remember, profiles just make the fixtures easier for us mere humans to relate to the fixture(s) easily.

Jingles is out this week and I'm slammed on a video project, although I'll be doing lighting updates a lot from time to time.

More information, please.
Hi there,
yea i have got a 3pin to 5 pin aadaptor, to start of with the adaptor was wired up wrong but i hav e since got that probolem sorted.
Its just in the manual it goes on about 4 channels and profile on the MY DMX only has 2 channles,
ill have a play about and see what happends, thanks Mark
Did you make your own adaptor?

I'd tend to trust the MyDMX profiles. They end up being made due to client requests and testing stuff. Not always 100% true, but that's how I look at it.

For example, the stock Mega Panel profile doesn't have the visualizer item done right, and some of the macro settings are off a little bit. I've updated the appearance, but not the macro stuff yet since the macro stuff isn't stuff I'm concerned about at the moment. I need this as wash light. If I need to toss it into macro mode, its typically for a dance or party so it's no big deal.

Back to your issue, typically, in a manual, the DMX traits are on a chart.

Still, glad to hear you're having some degree of success.
Please go ahead and post a link to the manual that has the DMX traits on it, or a web page that has the DMX traits.

It's better when asking to just assume nobody has it(even if you are asking if anyone has one) and throw up the links to save everyone a bunch of time.

Wow, lots of requsts for UK lights these days.
Hi there, after many years with my trusty Celco Navigator I've dragged myself into the 21st centuary by purchasing MY DMX which arrived today! Program looks pretty straight forward, I've had a blast around it in demo mode(fixtures at warehouse). The profiles I seem to need are Mad Qscan and Mad Qstar, there is a Madscan Q411 but they are not the traits of the Qscan. The Qstar is pretty similar in trait to the Qscan but is barrell. Anyway enough rambling for my first post!! Looks cool around here, all seem very helpful, hope you can help me. Cheers, Mikey.
Ya that was kind of a crappy profile. didnt know you already had one in the library. You should have told me you wanted to edit it. i assumed you meant your library just didn't have one at all. Always include lots of detail when asking for profiles. Also the manual for that light is incredibly confusing. doesn't say which channel is what number etc. Let me take a better look at it tomorrow.
@ Paulf1970: i will be making yours soon aswell.
No that was more like late bird. I had not gone to bed yet. haha. The profiles for the martin gear I did not make but I have not heard any complaints from them. Usually if a customer gets a bad profile they will get a hold of me and ask me to fix it. So I can assume that those martin fixtures profiles are in good standing.
Hello, I need profiles for:

1. Eternal Lighting Company model ETL-902-PAR64 light.

*for some reason this link may not work unless you paste it into your url search bar*

1> Dimmer
2> Red
3> Green
4> Blue
5> 7 color changer
6> Color shade (fade)
7> Strobe
8> Sound Activated (0-127 none, 128-192 sound control of color, 193-255 control of strobe)

7 color changer is static Red, Blue, Green, White, Cyan, Purple, Yellow

2. Chauvet Intimidator Scan LED

1> Strobe
2> Gobo
3> Color
4> Pan
5> Tilt

Thank you! Greg
Last edited by Former Member
Good to hear the results.

I found the Library Editor to at first not be totally straight-forward. After looking at a few of my fixtures and pre-made profiles, it made more sense. I still have to think about it, but now it's not trying to make sense of it, more of just getting the work done.

The MyDMX product really packs a ton for the price. I don't think there's a better value.
Hi Chris, I think it's more about just understanding the DMX values and what they actually do. I think I found it straight forward after working on my Celco Navigator for nearly 8 years and making/editing profiles on that. 100% harder/more confusing on an old board rather than have it on screen in front of you! But anyway, I agree about bang for buck, after using MY DMX for the first time yesterday and the editor the results are were fast and problem free.
Hi Jingles Smiler
So now I have finally had the time to find the info you asked for to be able to create the profiles.. Smiler
Below are the pictures and I will try to explain the few words that are in german..
Pic 1 - Just to show you that you are not wasting your time Smiler
Pic 2 - The Laser Box
Pic 3 - The Laser User Manual (In German)
Pic 4 - The Laser Info you need Smiler
- Laser Is Off
- DMX control Module
- DMX Show edit Module
- DMX Show Music Module
- Effect Possitioning
- Rotation "Clockwise"?
- Rotation "Not clockwise"?
- Moving speed
- Strobe speed
- Color Effects

Pic 5 - The Scanner User Guide
Pic 6 - The Scanner Info you need Smiler Its not the barrel! Its the FLAT we have Smiler

I sincerely hope you can help us out. We have 8 scanners of that kind plus another 3 Eurolite and we kinda would like to be able to use all of them with the DMX controller Smiler

Please let me know if there are any problems..

Best regards

Last edited by Former Member
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