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Hello, I'd like some band made a decision to replace some par can lighting with 4 intelligent lights...Specifically 4 Eliminator Hulk-150's or something comparable from ADJ. Currently we are running an NSI 7016 board with ND 4600 power packs which is controlling just par cans, pin spots and other specialty lighting. Is there a controller that could run both the intelligent lights and par cans? Could the NSI 7016 work? Would it be better to sell the 7016 for 400 or 450(it's practically new), sell our 3 ND 4600 power packs and get something else? We don't want to duplicate and if we could somehow recoup some money by combining controllers it would make financial sense. Problem is, technically I don't know what would work. Please Help!!!
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I've never even thought about trying an N$I board with intelligents (and probably never will) so I couldn't tell you if it would even work or not. From my experience with those boards, I wouldn't bother trying to get intels to work with it. Go for a new controller like Kev said.

The best reason for not even bothering with the N$I board is that you couldn't create moving scenes and chases with it. Everything would be static scene to scene like par cans are (assuming it would even talk to intels).

A controller with intelligent capabilities is the best way to go because you can define all of the fixture's settings/patches/etc.

Something that I am going to verify later this week, but just a heads up: be careful with the N$I dimmers because I know most of those boards run off of the power supplied through the DMX cable. In other words, it may fry the controller if the controller does not have its own power source. (ie 18V from dimmers going into a 12V board). As soon as I verify the details on that, I'll let you know.

You might be able to keep the dimmers you have now. I'll know more about the power issue in a day or two, so I'll let you know about that.

The other thing is, I don't know if the Operator Pro will talk to your dimmers for proprietary reasons. That's a question for someone who already tried it or for tech support (if they'll admit to it).

I'll let you know about the power concern as soon as I know.


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