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Have they actually been in a room with fog in it? Chances are, they are not allergic to it. If it is used right, fog should not have any effects on anybody's allergies. Also, dry ice is not good as a fog substitute. The vapors are toxic, and will cause far more problems than fog (I'm 90% sure)

PLUS...Dry ice stays near the floor, it will not rise.
Originally posted by Dj Madness:
Also, dry ice is not good as a fog substitute. The vapors are toxic, and will cause far more problems than fog (I'm 90% sure)
Don;t mean to be rude...but I have to disagree slightly. While dry ice is carbon dioxide,,,which in fact if inhaled can be toxic. But....only if you stick your head down on the floor or in front of the tube and inhale continuously then you got some problems. mentioned the dry ice produces a low lying kinda cloud effect if you will which cannot compare or replace the effect of a regular fog machine..but provides an awesome effect of its own. You can make the dry ice fog do some many things wth your lights...have a "moving color changing floor"...the posibilities are endless. I have been in as well as worked on tons of shows using dry ice and it really is amazing when thinking about it. As DJ Madness mentioned fog fluid is water base...and there is not real way you can be "allergic" to it..however...if you have breathing problems suc as asthma or lung diseases..then yeah...i donlt suggest you stay in a room completely "fogged up." Heck..i sometimes cough when using fog...and i don't have any lung or throat problems, at first it can agitate your body...but after a while you get used to it. So...whether fog or dry icec...i love em both. Hope everything works out!
To answer your first question. You can get dry ice at most baskin 31 robbins stores...just ask if they seell their dry ice. Also go to click on scroll down where it says "dry ice Directory" and click it...then click on either USA directory or World directory and it will take you to a page where you can type in your area code or country code. It will then give you the listings where dry icee is available. Dry ice usually runs an average of $1.00 per pound...but if you buy over like 50lbs the it comes down to about .89 cents a pound. Also remember to rent a dry ice machine...or if i your house fill a large bucket with hot water and place the ice directly into the bucket. Hope this helps...
-AMP Smiler
Dry Ice machines use hot oil, and sometimes water. Be careful to check your water temp. if its in a bukcet, as the dry ice temperature is below 0 degrees. When the water starts to get warm, the dry ice forms a layer of regular ice around it, thus stopping your fog effect. It then takes time to melt this, and start the fog process over again. Also, dont use metal tongs to pick it up...nor use anything metal, and it slides right off and makes this horribly loud screaming/pain noise; it sounds really really bad. Eeker
Originally posted by DJ Trak Beat:
[QB] Dry Ice machines use hot oil,
I have never heard of this before. Checkk to make sure cause the macines I use are industrial strength, theatrical machines used on huge theatrical and concert productions...they use water only. Oil... and dry ice don' mix together very well last time I checked. Also, when handling the ice use gloves like the ones yopu woudl ise when cutting wood...not thin sterile golves. Also most dry ice machines that have barrels or drums are metal...and when the metal gets wet or the dry ice contacts the metal will make a screeching sound as DJ Trak Beat explained...donlt worry cause its normal. Oh careful when handlind the ice not to inhale the vapors...too much time w/o oxygen and you can pass out...or Rhue's avatar might come and get you!!
-AMP Big Grin
Originally posted by Support:
[qb] M I S T E R K O O L!!! [/qb]
Tha;ts right...I forgot about "him"! If you want a inexpensive effect...go with the Mister Kool. Because not only is it a fog can add your own ice cubes to make the fog stay low! Like a dry ice effect. U R getting 2 effects for the price of one!!

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