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Could someone let me know if there is such a thing as a dmx switch? My issue is that I have a gig coming up where there are multiple dj's I plan to program my light show using mydmx but some of the jocks simply want to use sound active mode. Now as mydmx does not have the sound active facility I was thinking a solution would be to have both a normal controller and mydmx connected via a switch so when you wanted to work of the controller you switch to that unit and visa versa for mydmx. Is this possible or even feasible? Thanks
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you shouldn't need to have to use a switch, if each of the fixtures has a sound active mode within the dmx traits, then you can just program a scene using the dmx value for the fixture and set it into it's own SA mode when your not using programmed scenes :-)

if you see what i mean

Thanks James,

Is there a basic switch that you could recommend or a product name to search under? I have searched the net using dmx ab switch but don't seem to be able to find anything 'simple' and cheap ! all I really need to do is to be able to switch between mydmx and a Trancension Controller.
Hi James,

I have had a look through the spec of it and the only thing I can't seem to find is how do I 'switch' between the controller and mydmx? - basically I can't see a physical switch on the unit - any ideas?

just for confirmation what I want to be able to do is have it so when say dj no 1 is playing he can use a controller on soundmode then say dj no 2 has programmed scenes using mydmx, when he comes on to do his set he can simply 'switch' over to mydmx as the 'controller' of the lights or visa versa


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