Yes they will work together.
DMX compatibility somewhat resides in the age of whatever you are using. Some older stuff may not talk over DMX 512, when others will. It's kind of hit or miss with older stuff.
Just verify your connection types. Standard DMX communication is over 5-pin cable, but most of it these days is in 3-pin. Sometimes, dimmers and controllers won't say DMX, but rather LMX or something. DMX usually means 5-pin, but it can be 3-pin as well. LMX is always 3-pin.
In your case, as far as I know, numbers of pins on the connectors should be the extent of the compatibility issues.
If for some reason you have both 3-pin and 5-pin connectors, you can buy adapters that will change 3-pin to 5-pin and vice versa (main DMX communication is over pins 1, 2, and 3 anyway).
Now that I've thoroughly confused with you with a complicated answer to a simple question, I hope something helps.