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OK, I have a DMX Operator.
2 DP-DMX20L's
1 Aviator-SP8
I might add another Aviator-SP8, a DP-DMX20L or a PP-DMX20L. It depends on how I truly go with things. Part of this is how to assign channels to the dimmer/relays, but that is secondary right now.

Right now, let's assume 1 DP-DMX20L is set for DMX Channels 1-4, the other to 5-8, and the Aviator-SP8 is taking up 9-16. This eats up the first scanner button on the DMX Operator. I got that all figured out. No problems there.

But, assuming I add another dimmer or relay pack and start using channels 17-32, I have a possible issue. Assuming I have the lights set for Scanner 1 just the way I want them, I would have to hit the Scanner 2 button to of course enable access to the next 16 available channels. BUT: If I have Scanners 1 and 2 selected, movement on Fader 1(in Page 1 position) would affect both Scanner 1 and Scanner 2 Fader 1(Channels 1, 17). But let's say I need Channel 1 off, but Channels 5,6,7,8 on, but also need Scanner 2, Channel 17 and 23 on. I don't want to affect lights I don't want to affect. Also, if I turn OFF Scanner 1, then as I have learned, all those lights go out. Ugh. I mean, it makes sense and all, but just doesn't do it for me.

So, my question is, if I use MIDI to control my DMX Operator, can I achieve what I want to achieve? It seems that by removing the physical interface, I should theoretically be able to individually control whatever fixture/channel I want.

My main reason is that my band is finally getting ready to do shows again, and I, being the essential third member(there are only 3 of us) and I am the sound guy, we want to do a highly automated show, integrating lights and all into the whole scheme of things. Too bad DMX fog machines are at such high wattage, but hey, I already have that addressed.

Am I going to be OK with my existing DMX Operator, or have I outgrown that and need something more feature laden?

For my regular type shows(receptions, corporate, small events, parties), this stuff isn't an issue. But with my band, I need more.

ALSO, while I have some attention:
It is OK to assign my pair of DP-DMX20L's to the same DMX channels? They'd just go on and off "together", right? I don't have time to test this, but it is a way to expand my controls and still get acceptable results with fewer channels. I am getting into gels too, so, well, lots of stuff to deal with.


Many decisions to be made, including expanding my wireless audio options. Ugh. Money....
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one thing hit reply not new topic I will go and delete the other. Anyway Yes to addressing the different packs at the same number. Now for the first LONG question. yes you can use more than one scanner button. Firsst make sure you are in program mode then ,when you are finished with the controls on scanner one PUSH the scanner one button again. This turns it off. Then Push Scanner Button Two make your adjustments then record the scene. Voila honestly a simple 5 minute phone call and I could answer all you questions. 800 322 6337 ask for Joe Corral no waiting I promise unless I'm out to lunch from 1:30 to 2:30 today. Big Grin
I wanted two topics. One for the strobe issue, one for the DMX Operator issue. They are "sepparate" issues

I honestly can't get off the phone. This is really the best way to get support. I'm on hold right now with a customer who has a circuit down(it's a telco issue) but they insist that I fully troubleshoot the router. They are right now scrambling to get me credentials within their security system so I can login to their router and actually do anything useful. Between calls, I had to run stuff over to a customer for testing purposes and badging in and out of there is a pain in the butt AND I have to turn off both my cell phones and my 2-way pager before getting through the mantrap.

Recording scenes really isn't an issue. I've been meaning to learn that.

But what about live? Will using MIDI let me directly access any DMX channel directly? Well, provided I turn the Scanner buttons on, of course that would make sense. I'm sure there is a MIDI signal for those as well.

I can certainly see some limitations and restrictions in a truly live environment, such as the wedding receptions and such, but I can plan out my stuff for those.
you need to record scenes BEFORE you can use midi. PM me your address and email I will send you the video on programming the DMX Operator AND using it with midi. It should answer most of your questions. OR you can call 323 3143927 from 9:00 to 9:00. this is our after hours phone. it cost you a minute then we will call back
I will go over the manual for the DMX Operator again. I have the original manual that came with it plus the ones I printed from PDF's downloaded here. Very useful.

I go to Guitar Center to test out some goodies tomorrow. I have a Mystic I am waiting to receive, and I have at least 2 more fixtures to order, and gotta debate how many Par38's to get. I do have to test out some gear this week so I'll see about doing a "dummy run" with the relay packs and no lights and see how things go. I think that will be my Thursday project.

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