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Now this is a dumb question and I know it, but I just want to make sure! Is the DMX-6 Junior board and the DP-415 compatable?

I am very new to the lighting world and any help would be very much appreciatted! Even beyond the above question, like any other resources as to where to learn about all this stuff and or where to start?

Thanks so much for your time and effort!
Original Post
I am not familiar with the DMX-6, but DMX is DMX. Your controller should have a maximum number of channels it will support (DMX Operator 192=192 channels), and you need to stay within this number.

Your DP-415 has four channels, with the first channel of the four assignable by dip switches. It can be any starting address between 1-511. Dip switch 10 changes the DP-415 between a dimmer pack (0-100%) and a switch pack (on/off only). Each channel can run 5 amps, with a max of 15 amps on at any given time. P=I x E (P=Power in Watts, I=Amps and E=Volts. Buy extra fuses!!!!!!

If you are short on address, you can have two DP-415s set to the same address, and the lights hookup to them will do the same thing. i.e. a par can on DP-415 #1 on channel 1 will do the same thing as the par can on DP-415 #2 channel 1 if the addresses are the same. This allows you to one XLR cord between to right side of the floor/stage and the left side of the floor/stage, and still get balanced lighting. It really cleans up the "cord jungle" problem. You do however loose the control of lighting the left independently of the right.

Go to "" and click on the link "A simple guide to DMX". I caution you about trying to purchase from them. They sell knock off products with lousy customer service and no support. Also, don't let their prices lull you in, they get you in shipping.

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