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i think that when the gobo's rotate they are able to be replaced! and nbody knows when the manula will be avail. u might just have to call adj! and i have not heard anything about the perf. scans being disc. which bugs me cause i have one!!! im guessing that the dj spot 300 hundred will have prob. no more than 2-3 channels mare than the 250 version. but it all depends on what they all added as features! and i think/hope they will have some sort of dimmer abilities wether it be bulb dimmer or shutter dimmer! my two watts on it! peace! jingles out!
Here ya go. The Manual is now updated on the web in PDF format. You should be able to print it witht the dmx channels and information you need. As for dimming, yes and no. It does not have a dimming function for the bulb (however you can turn it on and off with a dmx controller), but it does have a shutter for strobeing. If you are using a dmx controller, you can control how much the shutter covers the hole. Its not a "clean" dim though, you can see the shutter move across the hole to block it. partially covering the gobo. Looks like the moon going through its phases.

Heres my problem. The manual that comes with the lights (which is the same as the one on the web) seems to already be outdated. Almost none of the keyboard functions match the instructions. I have 4 of these (well 3, one was dammaged in shipping), and only one is acting the way I expectet it to. The "enter" key and the "Esc" key dont function as the manual states.

Here is the other problem, 2 of them (after resetting), Immidately go into "Run" "Test" and go off on their own. Now if I connect a dmx signal, they stop and work per the dmx protocal, but as soon as the signal is lost, they go into test mode an on their own. My third fixture just stops. This is what I want it to do.

My fixtures have version 2.1

Through a combination of button presses (like I said, the manual instructions dont correspond to the actual buttons on the unit), I can get into test mode. I have two options there "NOD.1" that does not appear to do anything, and if I press the up button, I get a "NAST" option that allows me to select yes and no, but either dosent seam to make a difference. this "NAST" is not even in the manual.

Please help, anybody?
greghig welcome to the forums. i have not seen the dj spot's in action. so i can't comment on the shutter. but u will always get the "moon phase" look whenever u have a light with a single blade to get rid of that u will need a dual flag mechanical shutter system. about ur problem i would call up adj first thing monday. they WILL be able to help you fix this unit urself over the phone with them or they will give u a r.a. number and u ship it back to them on ur dime and when it is fixed they ship it back to u on theirs. cool deal huh? anyway i hope this helps! peace jingles out!
Last edited by Jingles

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