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Hey guys!

So i am a longtime DJ and Dance music dude in general. Now I am working at a new club optimizing the lights.

1 Martin FreekiE
4 American DJ DJ Spot 250's
4 Martin Mania SCX500
DMX Strobe
non DMX smoke. Frowner

My problem now is with the 250's. THe following have had lamps replaced within last month.
One just emits light when it wants to.
Another, upon examination ( my first time pulling out the lamp holder), the lamp prongs weren't in all the way. I broke this one trying to push it in.
ANOTHER, the lamp seems to be properly inserted (though someone replaced the thumb screws with small regular screws which may not have let the cradle set right. or damaged something?) This one emits the tiniest little bit of light. I can see the colors, and gobo, but its TINY. I later replaced thumb screws back in and no change...when i push the cradle back in, i am very careful, but there is always a little scraping sound or resistance.

So...mainly any ideas about whats up with the last one? Alignment screws?

All of these - i have reset defualts, turned off audio mode, reset the unit. Ive set them all to the same DMX address for simplicity when trying to control them from FreekiE.

Another thing is my freekie - which is unrelated, but i'll post it elsewhere.

and also questions about - "non duty cycle" that means i can turn the power on and off repeatedly without warmup/ cooldown time?

Also, i have question about placement of them - i made a picture model showing the club and where the lights are, and looking for opitmum placement of everything. I'll do that in a seperate thread.

thanks a bunch, hope it was clear.

Original Post
hey welcome to the forum. the only thing i can help u with now is the duty cycle the bulb thing im gon have to look into. with any dmx light it is not advisable to cut actual power off and on repeatedly cause it really shortens the lamp life and is not good in general pruposes. if ur light has a shutter then use that channel to control the blackout but turning the light off and on a lot back to back will shorten lamp life. and had u had a msd 250/2 bulb everytime you turn it off u have to wait a minimum of 15 mins before u can re-strike the lamp. the msd/2 bulbs are NOT a hot re-strike. and the halogens u want to leave them runnin and just use the shutter. i will get back to ya about the lamp in a while! peace! jingles!!
have u tried al this??
1. Be sure main power is disconnected and allow the unit to cool. If
the you have just installed a new unit you can obviously skip this
2. Make a preliminary adjustment: Turn the three lamp adjustment
thumb screws completely in (clockwise). Then back them each
out (counter-clockwise) about three complete turns.
3. Turn the unit on and allow it to reset.
4. Using either a DMX controller or the control panel on the unit,
strike the lamp and focus the light on a flat surface.
6. Center the hot-spot (the brightest part of the beam) using the 3
adjustment screws. Turn one screw at a time to drag the hot-spot
diagonally across the projected image. If you cannot detect a hotspot,
adjust the lamp until the light is even.
7. To reduce a hot-spot, pull the lamp in by turning all three screws
clockwise 1/4-turn at a time until the light is evenly distributed.
8. If the light is brighter around the edge than it is in the center, or if
light output is low, the lamp is too far back in the reflector. “Push”
the lamp out by turning the screws.
DJ Spot 250™ Fuse & Lamp Replacement

if none of this works then i suggest that u either call adj if u have them under warranty or open em up and she what the problem is. could be shutter or something. but call adj first thing mon when u can it is a fre call the number is on the homepage!
Last edited by Jingles

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