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I have four DJ spot 250s which are being controlled via an Elation DMX Operator controller. I have a total of 8 DMX devices in the chain (9 counting the controller) last device is terminated, I'm using mic XLR cables and have been using them with this setup without trouble until this event.

1- Chauvet Scorpion Storm FX
17- ADJ Tri-phase
33- DJ Spot 250
49- DJ Spot 250
65- DJ Spot 250
81- DJ Spot 250 (**Problem Child**)
97- ADJ Quad Gem DMX
113- ADJ Quad Gem DMX

Several weeks back one of them started progressively moving away from it's originally intended position within scene by small increments when scenes change from one to the next. I've tried the following and all have failed to correct the problem:

- Moving the light to be physically cabled first in the DMX chain.
- Addressing the unit to different addresses.
- Using only the problem device with a DMX cable
- Resetting the device from the front panel
- Tests using node1/2/3 from front panel
- Waving a dead chicken and moaning low

Any suggestions would help..

1) Could this be a problem with the pan/tilt motor?
2) Is there a way to manually re-calibrate to factory default?

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First, use DMX cable. I don't really want to hear any excuses as to why you're using microphone XLR, because there is no excuse. And in your rig, for the money you spend on microphone XLR cables, you can get DMX cables instead.

Once you toss an XLR into the mix, it screws up your entire signal load, so trying to "patch" this with a proper cable won't do anything.

As far as your attempts to fix it, why the hell are you using a chicken? Everyone knows you have to use the goat's blood and the chanting. Geeze, some people are such amateurs. The chicken and the moaning are what's causing the problem!

Seriously though, back to the main part. It's not a chain issue. The GOOD thing is that you've correctly identified and narrowed this down to 1 specific light. And on top of that, the problem follows the light, regardless of what you do and where you place it, so it's definately that light. I mean, this is STILL a bad thing, but it's good you've really done your work to ensure that the problem follows the light.

I do have a question. I'm guessing this is all stuff at a fixed location light a nightclub? I'm assuming you're not setting and striking this gear.

So far I think you've done pretty much everything right except maybe one thing. How long have you been using this light and when is the last time you cleaned it? There is a chance that it's a dirt related issue, but I think really that something has gone out of whack when it comes to the calibration.

In regards to your questions:
It could be a pan/tilt motor issue, but don't go running out and buying a replacement part yet.
In regards to being able to manually re-calibrate to factory, I suppose it's possible.

If you're a mobile person, there is a chance that through no intentions of your own, you damaged the light. You know, crap happens. At the same time, stuff can go foom at a fixed location as well.

I suggest calling Support as soon as you can and get some answers. You might need to send it in for repairs, ir maybe get some parts. Wait until after you talk to service. Those are some good guys over there.
This setup travels with my band and it moved a lot. I do not have cases for the 250s but they are set upright unobstructed when transported. We play pretty much every weekend across a fair number of repeat venues. The cleaning schedule is probably more lax than it should be but I do clean them. I suspect the light may have been "adjusted" by the unofficial sound/light man climbing on top of our gear. We set up the night before and everything was misaligned with this light the next day. I caught him climbing around on our cabinet right on top of the light that same day. I can't say for sure what happened.. but the other lights have had minor bumps and a reset or power off seems to correct any alignment issues. Does anyone have an idea of the cost for repairs? I imagine shipping/labor & parts can escalate pretty quickly.
Well, then you've got a disrespectful sound/lighting guy. I'm a sound guy, and I refuse to climb on other people's gear, and I don't like messing with other's gear.

A few more questions if you don't mind.

I take it your entire rig is set up and torn down before and after every show, respectively. This means lights are taken off stands and trussing as applicable when moved to transport.

I get the imperssion that you're trying your best to do the right thing. Having cases would help, it just provides another layer of protection, especially against the bumps of the road as well, which aren't all that friendly to moving parts like motors, gobos and wheels.

I say you need to call Support/Service ASAP. Shipping they cannot control. Repair, they can give you a blanket estimate cost based on your fixture(maybe more precise depending on the diagnosis), but once on their bench, that price may go up or down. Your need to rush things might be more critical and overnighting would be a cost you'd need to absorb. You might want to ship overnight on a Monday morning, ride the package via the shipper's web site(UPS or FedEx, in this case I'd go FedEx), and then once it arrives, call Customer Service and make sure it's being prioritized and gets onto a bench that day. DO NOT SLACK!!!

Make arrangements/agreements with Support/Service to have your fixture prioritized as well to support your aggressive stance on the repair.

But above all, call Support/Service ASAP. That's what you neeed to do. Maybe this costs you nothing, maybe you do need to send it in for repairs. But the guys in service are great and they'll do what they can to help you. Be ready with your fixture partially disassembled(case off at least is fine) to help them, and have access to power. Be safe through this, you've got exposed contacts.

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