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Now it may seem to you like im starting alot of new topics like 2 every day, but its only because i love this forum so much and have so many questions inside of me. I mean, this is like true lighting sancuary for me, its a cult. Lol. not to freak any one out, hah. Well anywas this post is to tell everyone about Djscans working with Pocket Scans. It is really fun... o wait duh, but anywss, the pocket scan has such a narrow beam that it is truly just as bright as the DJ scan. Now i have realized something. DONT BY ANY KIND OF DJ SCAN!!! The motors are jaged and only have about 10 stop points, as in it only can stop on every 10 degrees of movement. Therefor there is no way, you can creat a slow scan. Only really really fast scaning. Now, the pockets are verry verry verry smoth motors, buuuttttt, there are very slow, it took 3 seconds for it to move to the other side. yes, kinda disapointed i was, actually not, cause i actually get to use them for the next 4 months for the san diego dance show. Anyone notice this??? post back if ya know what i mean...
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You are right, DJ scans are not super wonderful. They are rather noisy and the steps in the mirror movement are rather large.
But also remember that they are also pretty cheap compared to other high end scanners. You can get a new DJ scan RG for under $200. a new MX-4 goes for $700 to $800.
If you want nice lights you are going to have to fork over the cash. Concepts, Ultra 250�s, MX�s, none are cheap, but they will give you pretty much everything you want.
For those on a limited budget and aren�t looking for state of the art high tech scanners, the cheaper models are the way to go.
I have 2 pockets and the ADJ DMX Operator. When I program the controller correctly, my pockets pan VERY quickly from left to right and top to bottom. I have a ?? though. Can I use the DMX Operator to program a blank DMX Solo? Does anyone NEED a blank DMX Solo? I got an extra. -Ken-

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