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Hi all,

I am looking at the DJ Scan 250s and was hoping somebody could let me know how they like them. I currently have 2 of the Accu Scan 250s and love those but I am trying to save money and go with 4 DJ Scans. Will I be disappointed with the DJs? Please let me know what you think and any other recommendations you may have.

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Well, looking athte DJ Scan 250 EX(which is teh current shipping model), I see 1 channel for pan and 1 channel for tilt. This means you won't get fine movement control. This may make the fixture be a bit choppier than you may desire.

Then again, there may very well be nothing with that movement being a bit choppy if it works with how you like to do things. For the costs, it seems fairly decent.

In my applications, I want the option of fine channel control

Since your AccuScan 250's also do not support fine X and Y channels, I don't think you'd really notice the difference because both types of fixtures would behave similarly for you. But, for the MSPR price, I'd expect better stepper motors and fine X and Y control on the fixture.

I need red. I am going thru the same thing with my 2 X-Move+s (Another post). Not set on scanners, just want to add more moving lights to my show. I have enough LED wash fixture for now. I have a budget of about $800. Trying to get the most for my money we all are.

If I was doing more dance-type events, or perhaps bands where I could set up a front of stage truss and aim lights into the audience, I'd probably go with scanners myself. I like the idea of getting some scanners.

One of my biggest things is this one show I work on and see how anything I buy can be incorporated into that. While I have applications for scanners that I'd like to take advantage of, I honestly have no room to put them based on available space. I have a few scenes where I'd like to add some scanners, but I have some high-tech FX units I can use instead. Ain't perfect, but they're paid for!

I like movers. I can aim them up, down, backwards, forwards, floor, ceiling, walls.

I've seen some really cool stuff done with both types. Movers are definately more flexible and able to do more. Scanners are less expensive.

I don't think there's a clear answer until you threw your budget into the mix. Really, it helps a lot to know what you're thinking to spend. I think scanners are more in line with what your budget.

I'd say you're working things in the right direction. If you have time on your side, keep researching and keep asking.
I bought the DJ Scan 250 EX SYS. It was a waste of money. The lights aren't nearly as bright as the Accu Scan. I believe the Accu Scan has the MSD 250 II bulb. I had one light (250EX) go out before the warranty was out and I got jacked around by warranty repair and service on it just long enough so that it didn't get covered. I've spent $10's of thousands on lights from ADJ, and although tech support is helpful customer service is a real sad. I have 3 250 EX's and 1 for parts. give me a shout

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