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Hi I have just recieved my 'dongle' and have attached it as per the instructions but when I start the software it will only start in demo mode.

I have tried reboots etc but to no avail. Now I have put the usb in a different port and my laptop says it does not recognise the driver "USB Device Not Recognised"

When I first installed it it did load the drivers and said it was installed ok!

all the lights are on the dongle Power usb and dmx

anyone got any solutions to this as i want to play !!

many thanks
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Hi James - thanks for your reply

I have had no luck so far!

I have removed the drivers 3 or 4 tmes, scanned and cleaned my system removed and reintalled the software, rebooted and shutdown and still when ever I put the usb plug in it keeps saying device not recgonised. anymore suggestions will be gratefully recieved.

for your info I am using a Win 7 Ultimate 64bit machine if that makes any difference?

Thanks paul
hmmm I am not sure. I have sent this thread to one of our engineers. They will take a look at it overnight tonight (USA time) and I hope to have a answer in the morning Also USA time. Smiler

sorry you are having a not so good start with it. Very strange. I wonder if maybe you got a bad interface? But I'll let you know as soon as possible.
Thanks James, i appriciate your help.

Just for confirmation the drivers did install the first time I cnnected the interface but the program would not open up live - it went downhill from there !

Sods law it won't work I've been looking forward to playing with it all week lol!

Thanks again
I am a mac user who borrowed a friends pc to use MyDMX for the first time. It worked on that system which is older I believe (I cannot say what system it was being over a year ago since I had it last). I finally got a laptop for myself and I am experiencing the exact symptoms with the same conditions as above... might go without saying I am eagerly awaiting the findings here as well.
As an update - I am starting to think I have a bad interface! Over the weekend I tried it on two other machines one with 32bit Win 7 and one with 32bit Vista.

I have tried different cables on different ports and nothing seems to work.

Is there anyone on here that uses it with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit without a problem?

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