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Helped a friend of mine program and run his new lighting setup (Revo IV, Majestic, Tri-Phase, StarBall, Galaxian 3D with DMX Operator). Being new to the whole DMX thing, I programmed 8 scenes that would allow me to jump between them during the evening depending on the mood. During the sound check, everything was cool. The scenes responded instantly when the button was pushed, but during the live dance, there was, at times, a 10 or 12 second delay between pushing the scene button and the response from the lights. I'm fairly certain I'm doing something that is causing this but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks for the time.
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Check the position of your Fade Time slider. I bet you bumped it. That should adjust your fade time between short and long. This is a asuper easy one to overlook, especially when you're new.

If you want to, you might want to put a little tape and mark on the DMX Operator where you like your fader to be set. I like to use a 2-3 second fade for the most part. I think "instant" is a big too harsh. 10-12 seconds can be cool if it's the desired effect(a long gradual color change, 5+ seconds mandatory!!)

But, I can see from your choice of light that instat changes would in fact work best for you. It doesn't make sense to transition from one light to another. Since those work full on or OFF, a transition would really appear to be a delay to your scene selection.

In the future, do consider some LED wash lights to add to your shows. Between bars, panels and cans, you have lots of choices from ADJ.

Now go get back to having fun!
Yup. I know, I've been there. I still have my DMX Operator too, works great too but I'm using MyDMX as my main lighting controller now.

It was the only logical thing. And I'm willing to bet you don't travel with manuals for your gear handy(I mean, who does?). I carry my manuals on a USB stick that I can refer to when necessary. But not all of us have that as an option.

The positive side is you went out and the gear worked, so hey, way to go! Best way to learn is from failure, even though that sounds bad. You'll never forget this one!
Actually, did have the manuals, but didn't think to look. *doh*. have the pdf's on my memory key and had my laptop as well. i'm really looking into getting myDMX as well, downloaded the software and it looks like there is a lot more control (especially as it will allow me to run the Revo in 256 channel mode which I'm guessing would blow away using it in, what?, 4 channel?) How much was myDMX anyway? Just ball park would be cool. Again, thanks for the reply and the insight.

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