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Let me start off by saying that I am not a DJ, but I am trying to use an Emerald Scan II in a custom application where it is controlled by a PC using a custom VB program and Velleman's DMX interface box.

I would appreciate any help I could get to the following question:

Can the laser pattern on an Emerald Scan II be modified? Specifically I would like to create a single laser dot pattern. This pattern is not one of the 13 built in patterns that I can control via channels 3+4.

My application is pointing the laser to pre-programmed locations. Based on the distance between the mount of the Emerald Scan II and the wall where I'm projecting the laser, the built in patterns are too large. I need a smaller pattern, and a single point pattern would be the smallest possible pattern. The application directs a person to put away items into cubby holes as directed by the laser.

You may ask "Why am I using a DJ light for this application?" Answer - the emerald scan II was a lower cost solution than purschasing separate components, plus the Velleman DMX box and software offered a low cost way to control the fixture. The alternate solutions are to purchase the laser and pan/tilt control cradles separately. These also typically require serial control so a USB/Serial convertor is required. When you add up the separate components the cost is siginicantly higher.

Thanks in advance for any help suggestions you might be able to offer.
Original Post
Though I've never used this specific model, my guess would be no. Generally , these cheaper lasers come pre-programmed with patterns that can be accessed via DMX. Some lasers allow the user to modify an existing pattern's attributes, like size and speed through DMX as well. To make custom patterns, you need a laser that uses ILDA protocol. These units tend to be more expensive and often require a high-power variance to use (in the USA).

Hope that answers your question

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