manual control is exactly what i'm looking for, such as a joystick on a dmx controller board .. freestyler has the option and it will show a square that you can manipulate the moving heads or scanners .. i find at times, especially during a wedding reception, if the bride and groom enter the room while being announced you can throw a follow spot type of light using the moving heads ... it works in freestyler, but i bought the mydmx (last week) due to it's simplicity, on the fly scene composition, and manipulation (less the x/y manual move) .. in the fx screen a box will appear after you select which fixtures you want to generate an f/x or scene with, if there was a way to utilize this function, that would solve my problem, i've tried checking "lines" with one point, but that didn't "pan" out the way i thought it would, close, but no cigar
.. thanks for the info