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Hello to all!! I have the first small and great problem see the behavior of my vsm4, la misma falla video 2, otro ejemplo:

These faults were produced on having used her vms4 in macbook pro 2011 to the cqambiar the firmware but I believe that the cambiio was not correct of firmware, and now vms4 it does not recognize me not in windows not in mac and though not this one connected to a port USB using only the loader ignites and all the led go out with intervals of a second

That I can do?? Or whom asking for help?

Thank you!!! If they could write to me to my mail

Santa Cruz - Bolivia
hola! como esta usted?!! tengo un pequeño y gran problema primero vean el comportamiento de mi vsm4, la misma falla video 2, otro ejemplo:

estas fallas fueron producidas al usar la vms4 en macbook pro 2011 al cqambiar el firmware pero creo que no fue correcto el cambiio de firmware, y ahora el vms4 no me reconoce ni en windows ni en mac y aunque no este conectado a un puerto USB usando solo el cargador se enciende y se apagan todos los led con intervalos de un segundo

si pudieran escribirme a mi correo

o ami facebook juan carlos anze de Bolivia

que puedo hacer?? o a quien pedir ayuda?


Santa Cruz - Bolivia


I have the first small and great problem see the behavior of my vsm4, la misma falla video 2, otro ejemplo:

These faults were produced on having used her vms4 in macbook pro 2011 to the cqambiar the firmware but I believe that the cambiio was not correct of firmware, and now vms4 it does not recognize me not in windows not in mac and though not this one connected to a port USB using only the loader ignites and all the led go out with intervals of a second

If they could write to me to my mail

Or my facebook juancarlosanze rodriguez bolivia

That I can do?? Or whom asking for help?

Thank you!!!

Santa Cruz - Bolivia
I was the original person that called american dj, and virtual dj regarding this issue within a day of the new macbook being release. After tons of support the unit worked with the new macbook intermittent at best. But now its PERFECT. The unit has worked flawless since updating to the newest update of virtual dj. Log into your Virtual Dj account and you will see a new version of VDJ Le or Vdj Pro if you upgraded the version number is 7.0.5.
perdon! podrias explicarme nuevamente que tengo que hacer para corregir esta falla en mi vms4? y si pudeiras escribir en español porfa lo que pasa que mi traduccion es mala y no entendi muy bien lo que quisiste desirme

Pardon! Podrias to make clear again that I have to do to correct this fault in my vms4? And if pudeiras to write in Spanish porfa what happens that my translation is bad and not entendi very well what you wanted desirme
I can offer my assistance as I speak Spanish....I am not support but I am always willing to help Wink

jcnzer - enviame tu email y tus preguntas y tratare de ayudarte ya que tengo experiencia con el VMS4 y VMS4.1

No soy ningun experto y solo soy un usuario igual que tu, pero siempre estoy dispuesto por ayudar la comunidad.


Originally posted by DJ Freshfluke:
if your english is not so good, the best will be to contact some shop in your country.

i'm sorry but i dont speak spanish and AFAIK the support neither...
hola como te va muchas gracias por la ayuda que me puedas dar!

el sistema operativo que estoy usando es el OSX 10.7 macbook pro 2011
uso el virtual dj LE y trate de ocuparla tambien con virtual DJ pro full y tractor 2 pero uso el virtual LE para cmabiar el FIRMWARE de la VMS4.
mi problema empeso cuando trate de cambiar el Firmware con mi nueva computadora MACBOOK PRO 2011 y creo que se me movio el cable usb, yse colgo, lo reinici y ya quedo con esa falla, las luces de toda la vms4 se encendian y se apagaban haciendo una intermitencia. y no se podia reconocer el aparato en ninguna computadora ya sea mac o windows.
nose que pudo haver sido, la lleve a varios tecnicos solo que como no son muy comerciales estos controladores, no le pudieron encontrar nada y otros me dijeron que etaba mal un regulador de voltaje que se encuentra en la placa principal, pero ahora haciendo una ultima prueva despues de la revision que le hicieron y sin lograr nada ahora porlomenos funciona los botones de play y pause, se distingue que reconoce unicamente esos botones en la pantalla, al momento de apretar play y pause hace un pestañeo en la pantalla de la compu en esos mismos botones, como si los reconoceria un poco, pero sigue la consola con su problema de intermitencia en los led de toda la VMS4 oel bumetro.

espero que me puedas guiar m,as sobre mi problema
muchas gracias.
Hello since it you goes thank you very much for the help that you could give me! The operating system that I am using is the OSX 10.7 macbook pro 2011 I use the virtual dj HIM and her try to occupy also with virtual DJ pro full and tractor 2 but I use the virtual one HIM for cmabiar the FIRMWARE of the VMS4. My problem empeso when it tries to change the Firmware with my new computer MACBOOK PRO 2011 and I believe that me movio the cable usb, yse colgo, reinici and already I stay with this fault, the lights of everything her vms4 encendian and they were going out doing an intermittence. And not podia to recognize the device in none computer already is mac or windows.Nose that could haver been, takes her to several technical personnel only that since these controllers are not very commercial, they could not find him anything and others said to me that etaba badly a regulator of voltage that one finds in the principal plate, but now doing one it finalizes prueva after the review that they did to him and without achieving anything now porlomenos works the buttons of play and pause, there is distinguished that it recognizes only these buttons on the screen, to the moment to be too tight play and pause it does a twinkle on the screen of the compu in the same buttons, as if the reconoceria a bit, but it follows the console with his problem of intermittence in the led of the whole VMS4 oel bumetro. I hope that you could guide your m, ace on my problem thank you very much.
Originally posted by DJ Freshfluke:
if your english is not so good, the best will be to contact some shop in your country.

i'm sorry but i dont speak spanish and AFAIK the support neither...
soy juan carlos anze de bolivia mi correo es

por fabor Bedroom DJ y muchas gracias por la ayuda ya que nadie de soporte tecnico fue capas por lomenos de ayudarme sin querer cobrar o hacerme cambiar la placa maim PBC esta deja mucho que desear de american DJ pero espero que pueda solucionarse por que no creo que american DJ saque productos malos u ordinarios, espero su ayuda porfabor gracias nuevamente.

Originally posted by MixMaster_Vee:
I can offer my assistance as I speak Spanish....I am not support but I am always willing to help Wink

jcnzer - enviame tu email y tus preguntas y tratare de ayudarte ya que tengo experiencia con el VMS4 y VMS4.1

No soy ningun experto y solo soy un usuario igual que tu, pero siempre estoy dispuesto por ayudar la comunidad.


Originally posted by DJ Freshfluke:
if your english is not so good, the best will be to contact some shop in your country.

i'm sorry but i dont speak spanish and AFAIK the support neither...
DJ FreshFluke,

Let me articulate jcnzer's problem to see if you can shed some light:

He says that issue is that he tried to intall the firmware using his Macbook Pro and during the install process his usb cable got disconnected. He restarted the VMS4 and he noticed that all the lights flickered on and off intermittently. Now the VMS4 cannot be detected via MAC nor PC.

Is there a way that he could perhaps reset the VMS4 to reinstall the firmware/software....


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