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i just bought my concept light and it works great but the only thing is that i never got a manual for the concept light and i tried to download it of the Concept web page and it wouldn't load. so any help would be greatly appreciated.

another question... why does my Concept:1 keep on resetting over and over in stand alone and then in DMX mode?

last question... why does it appear that the DMX addressing at the top keeps on flickering? Wink
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I have no idea... If it is setup correctly it definetely should not home indefinitely (i.e. keep resetting)...

Homing should happen only once when you power it up. As for the manual, try the site again, I dont know if it is up or not cause I dont have a concept, but if the manual doesnt say anything about the homing take it back!

Hell, take it back and find a manual in the store to check if it is OK (if you are close to the store, that is)
Heres the link to the Manual and it works too! Smiler

ALSO.. It sounds like you got this thing used or open if it didn't come with a manual are you sure you didn't be this as is or used this may be the problem it was acting up and they wanted it off the floor and sold it to you "as is." See if you can take this back it sounds like they sold you a dud. The LCD sound not be flickering and it should only should only be reseting when you make it.
ok heres what been goin on now...

i got the manual of the site and it FINALLY worked.

i got it to quit resetting over and over. And now it tries to go the to the top right, probably at the end of a program sequence, but though i really don't know if it was programmed to do that.

last... it the Concept:1 compatible with the pocket scan in any way?

you do know there are programmed movements in the Concept. That's what you may be selecting. as far as compatiblility with the Pocket Scan. If you are thinking Master/Slave or the Concept controller no But with an external programmable DMX Controller there should be no problem.

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