Thanks Jingles for the help so far. Been building the "L" shaped room and the setup in the demo version of MyDMX. I hope this is transferrable when I buy the full version!!! I also figured out how to backup everything just "incase of a computer crash" I'm keep 2 old space filling lights on a hardwired plug so if somthing goes wrong, 1 flip of a switch and these 2 lights come on to their own internal mics. Redundancy!!!
My new question is I have 2x CL-15RG lasers that are both DMX controllable. These lasers are great and have lasted a long time. Here's a link to them...
Are they listed in the MyDMX or not? What do I do to control them in the MyDMX? or in those spirits, any other lights that arent listed. I also have very simple par 38 cans (12 of them) that are not DMX capable. But im going to run them on 2x DP415 dimmer packs. How do I set that up in the 3D visualizer to control? Thanks for the help
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