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I'm a newbie to this site, and a newbie to lighting in general. Up until now, I've thrown PAR38 cans into my truck and called it "lighting" for my shows....(I'm an independent sound guy).

Now I'm ready for something a little better...

The only thing my local music store seems to stock are the pocket scans. I have the resources to buy two of them. Question is, will two of these guys provide the visual look of a small professional show (say 100 people) or do I need to invest in twice that many to achieve light nirvana? If I do buy two of these, do I need to buy a terminator for that last one?

I have a DMX light controller, but I think I'd rather let the dimmer packs handle all that...

Any suggestions will be appreciated....

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Two pocket scans along with your pars would look good. You would have to program a few scenes that involve the pars and the scans. Use one controller, instead of having two. Its a little bit easier, plus the packs use DMX, and so do the scans. I thinmk the pocket scans have a built in terminator that can be activated by setting the DMX address to a certain number, but im not sure on that.

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