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Alright, I'll preface this by saying that I have absolutely no experience with lighting - aside from going to a few clubs - but I have been charged with choosing a suitable light solution for my organization.

Here's what I'm looking for ideally: a light or set of lights under $400 that can set the perfect mood for raves. The room size is around 20x40, and we can NOT use smoke machines. I guess if possible I'd like something that might work for jam band music as well, but that is not as big of a priority. Some of the products I have been looking at, the revo express, the revo 4, and the galaxian 3d. I have absolutely no idea what would work best, but I'm looking for something that will be exciting and will be able to function as the only light (aside from blacklights). Basically, I'm trying to figure out what the best, all-around do-everything solution out there for cheap.

Once again, I have no idea what I'm doing and would really appreciate some suggestions, thanks!
Original Post
Welcome to the forum. You're in way over your head. Your budget is NOT realistic for what you want to do unless you can find everything super used.

Well, then let's start off by saying you'll need to NOT use a controller of any sort and NOT use any dimmer packs of any sort. So, say bye-bye to any control, because being able to control stuff is going to eat up a lot of that budget fast.

OK, we're down to $400. Not going to slam the "no fog" issue, it's fairly common.

Find one of the American DJ Party-packs and there ya go. That's about all you can do. But you won't be able to do the "rave" thing and the "jam band" thing. You're in an either-or, unless you suck up the rest of your budget on Par38's, which are cheap, work good and NEED dimmer packs.

Revo and Galaxian: These fixtures really need smoke/fog/haze to come alive and are otherwise SUPER boring without them.

The Mystic is relatively cheap, works fine with or without fog. Vertigo works OK without fog. Sunray III is a nice fixture but works better with fog. Any of the scanner-type(moving mirror) work a lot better with fog. The LED options are good alternatives for power draw but at a higher cost of ownership.

I think your exposure to clubs and bars is a good thing, gives you some ideas of what could or does(or does not) work. You get to see some stuff in production and working. But, you can see by the listed prices, $400 won't go far. We're not allowed to discuss street/retail pricing here(because sometimes it's below MAP), but see what you like and find an online store to get "real world" pricing to see how your budget stacks up.

Could be worse. I used to work with people who were of the mindset of "I don't know how anything works, therefore it must be simple. Deploy a world-wide network for 15000 people spread out globally from individual houses, small offices and large offices. Estimated time to project completion: 30 minutes and $25 in budget, now get to it!"

For example, ONE light I have shows MSRP of over your entire budget, but the reality is that it sells for UNDER your budget(without a lot of room to spare), and I have 2 of these. The Mega Panel.

Best you can do is find some stuff, come back with prices and let them see how their budget and their expectations are not going to line up too well. New, you'll be lucky to get 4 fixtures but you'll get NO control. Used, you have options, assuming the bulbs are fine. Bulbs are a crap-shoot in the used marketplace as it's often impossible to tell how many hours they've been in use. But bulbs are often a readily replacable item, so as long as the fixture otherwise works, bulbs are trivial, but they are a cost to factor in.

I'd request an ADJ catalog and start pouring over that. That and the online videos are a good place to start.

Heck, my hazer cost more than your budget.

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