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Hey Guys -

Looking for some tips in upgrading our light show. I am in a 80's tribute band and we are looking to upgrade our current light show. We run 3 trees (just par cans and some strobes and a couple effect lights. We do not use a lightboard currently, just on and off via a controller pedal.

So I have 2 needs.

First -

What were looking to do is run our show via midi. All of our drums are run off sequences in a computer, so I would ultimitly like to have all scene changes lights controlled by the computer with a midi track. We would also like to a have a midi controller pedal out front, just to turn lights on and off from the fron of the stage as well when not using sequenced drums. What would the best controller be for this type of Midi set up? Can we can control fades in midi as well? Also, we would like to add some Intelligent lighting down the road. Can we control Intelligent light moves via midi?

Second question is LED -

Currently we have a tree on each side of the stage with 3 cans, I think they are just small p36's. Would upgrading to a P64 LED can on each side be enough light to replace these 3 cans? We play some small rooms - about 200 people capacity. Or would we beeter off just getting some bigger par cans? Also, can theLED color wash be controlled via midi?

A lot of questions, but just looking to make the right investment to be able to build the system up down the road.


Original Post
Well, the DMX Operator 192 would probably be sufficient. Assign a MIDI channel and when using your sequenced drums, then away you go. You can have it call up SCENES. Fairly good. Maybe not the overal most perfect, but that's how I'm going to be doing things, but I'm at FOH, not in the band. Sequenced shows will be done via scenes.

As far as when not using sequenced drums, you might to use a MIDI combiner so you can use your MIDI foot controller to pull up a "lights on" scene. You can also choose one of several chase sequences on the controller and just have it go through the scenes programmed to the chase sequence.

All can be controlled via MIDI, but not directly. Make your scenes and you can controlled using scenes, but you can control your scene cross-fades.

Just my thoughts. You need more research. I'm currently into developing my scenes and documenting everything on a channel by channel and value by value basis.

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