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Anyone: What type of cables are needed to connect an Aviator 32 controller to analog dimmer packs?

Also, what degree of control can be had over anaolg fixtures (pinspots etc..)and analog dimmers, when the Aviator is connected to a regular DMX controller?

The owners manual seems to leave out a lot about this stuff...


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Hmm wel from the picture of the aviator and the pack that comes with the system it showed an XLR cable and also mentioned about using the xlr. It also says " Use with the Aviator-SP8 or any DMX or Analog Packs" so from what I understand its just uses a standard XLR cable. You mentioned something about a serial port looking connection. Im wondering if maybe the older model of the controller has this but I dont remember any "new" verison of the controller coming out. I could be wrong tho. As far as I know the XLR should work. I guess I would have to actually look at it to see exactly what it has. Maybe give support a call and see if they can help you any further. Sorry Frowner Hope what i gave you was enough of a foundation.


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