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I am a member of a 6 piece band and I'm having trouble picturing a usable dmx controlled light system. The reason is most of our venues, and our budget, really dictates that we run all of our lighting from each side of the stage on stands. We cannot efficiently haul and set up massive truss systems. That would cut into our drink money plus its too much work. We currently have several pars and some other static color wash type units( no intelligents yet). I picked up a AMDJ Controller 1, I believe thats what it is called, and plan on using some DMX dimmer packs to control the 64's. My concern is spending the money for additional lights and not really getting a good look from the side. Has anyone done this? Could we use footlights? Any tips on backlighting? Drums? Thanks for any ideas or comments. Razzer
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I don't know what your budget allows, but here is how I have dealt with a situation like yours. I place 2 stands on each downstage front-side of the stage with 3 Par 56's and 1 Par 64 on each stand. Each stand has a DP-DMX4B dimmer pack and I control with a Stage Setter 8. Now, for the backlighting to get more fill on stage: I place 2 stands upstage and each stand has 2 Par 64's on it. Then, I have 2 moving mirror scanners from another manufacturer per upstage stand. You don't need the scanners- I am just sharing how I run things. Substitute the scanners with par cans. Find the right ADJ dealer and you can get Par 56's for a real great price. Anyway- bottom line: this is very affordable to getting good lighting coverage on stage. I use 2 plain old 9 foot stands and 2, 10 foot crank stands.
Oh- adding the 2 upstage stands only adds 15 minutes to my set up time. I prep the crossbars with the par cans before I arrive at the venue. The upstage stand is also controlled by the Stage Setter 8. I set the dimmer packs on both downstage stands to the same DMX address and have 4 channels free on the controller for the upstage stands. The scanners use another controller.
Hey cowboy! I too am in a band and do the lighting for us. We are currently a three piece band but have been as large as 5. I generally try to use just the light stands (2) by our mains on either side of the band. It isn't the perfect angle but it works. I also have truss but only use it for the really big gigs (also it just doesn't fit in many venues we play). In my opinion 64's are PLENTY for lighting up a band (I use 8 par 38's with 120W halogens and that is generally plenty - they are smaller, lighter to carry and set up, have much cheaper bulbs, and provide enough light since they are generally so close to the band). The 64's on dimmer packs and a controller are a great start though. I like a few other effect lights as well. A strobe of some sort is a must. I prefer a strobe on each stand that are linked (so they strobe together). You get great coverage that way. Blacklights are always good. You can spend big bucks and get a cannon or just go to Home Depot and get a couple 4 foot flourecent fixtures and get 4 blacklight bulbs (always use the plastic tubes around the lights though!!!!) I've had good luck just hanging the fixtures from one end going down the light stand - a bungee cord works fine. (Note: flourecent lights can introduce some humm/buzz into your sound gear - always put your lights on a separate circuit (of course you already knew that I hope!!!!) I also like some special effect type lights. We have used an oil wheel (ADJ groove wheel or Trance wheel) for years and always get great comments/questions about it. It is a cool effect to shine on your band banner behind you. Fog and/or hazer is also very nice for effect and to bring out the most in your lights. As for backlighting I have used a stand with 4 par 38s with good effect before. (Shine these on the drummer and he'll feel like he wasn't left out of the light show!!!) I am looking into using a Rainbow 250 (with the lens removed for more of a wash) for a backlight - DMX controllable and easier to set up than a rack o' backlights. I also have heard that an Aggressor or something similar set pointing up from the floor behind the band is a great effect (need fog/haze to get the full effect though).
I am also using 2 Ultra Scan 250's for moving spots and effect lights. Lots of programming and a bit pricey for many bands but I'm just having fun doing it. (See some of my other posts regarding MIDI - if you are familiar with MIDI, it adds a whole new dimension to MIDI program your lights!) I've looked into footlights before but usually with monitors/foot pedals/etc and limited stage space at most clubs, I just couldn't find much room for them.
Of course this lighting is all for the band! If you want/need to light the dance floor I would definetly get some intels and an Aggressor/Vertigo.
Thanks guys, that is really about all I could imagine also. I appreciate your input and ideas. I think the second set of stands with pars, along with something fun either behind or in front of the drums would be cool. I really like the AMDJ color change units and can see a totally red or blue or green stage with spots shooting up and across for effect. With a generous budget, I think a decent spot operated from the soundboard would work wonders for solo & vocal highlight. Now on to mastering DMX programming.

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