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I'm thinking I'd like to get the H2O light. I want to use it either being shone on the wall behind my equipment, or on the ceiling above the dance floor. Anyone used it like that? I love the effect it gives off. You know what would look really cool I think is shining it on the wall behind you, and then having some water columns on either side of the stage, possibly with a few black lights also, then lay out some low lying fog. One other question I have is, on the 48" tube blacklights, are you able to turn them on via say a light co-pilot, or do you have to physically go and turn them on right on the unit itself. I have an older one from many years ago and it has to be switched on at the unit itself. My dealer doesn't have any in stock, and doesn't know the answer.
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The H20 is really neat. i rented like 4 of em for an uderwater themed party I did once and had em on all the walls and celing and I also used a dry ice machine and with the h2o on the dry ice fog it looked like you were in the water! It was so cool. I know some black lights can be independantly controlled (dont have to use the switch on the unit every time.) The theatre I work in has a whole bunch that we hook up to te light board there so I know it is possible. Im just not sure what brand.


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