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Well, it's not just a matter of making or porting software, it's also a matter of decided what route to go with for a hardware bridge.

Thinking in a more complicated environment such as mine, where I may start moving video, audio and data down cat5 cabling, coupled with wifi, now I got more potential crud on the line, which means I should get a Layer 3 switch and use a lot of filtering and subnetting to keep traffic where it needs to be and not where it shouldn't be. It won't save me on cabling, but it will ensure only key bits of data cross subnets when and where absolutely necessary.

Connecting an iPhone or an Android, which way do we go? Cabled? Sure, I suppose, but it would be cool to be wireless so you can walk around and change scenes if you want to. So, how do we handle this? Do we do a dedicated wireless box that includes the 802.11a/b/g/n into it with an antenna, Cat5 and DMX out? Do we made it without the wireless and require you to provide the wifi connectivity? Do we encrypt the data or use some other method of security? I mean, MAC address security is certainly low-end, but it does let you avoid having to encrypt, which keeps your speeds up. And at the same time, how much security do you want to cram in there? How many MAC addresses do you want to support?

OH, I don't think that your idea is bad. No, far from it. But, we have to look at the market for MyDMX and the original design. Even adding a VLC plug-in module would break the MyDMX design objective, but would allow the best option for DMX bridging from a wireless device.

Now, I could certainly see the time and effort being integrated into CompuWare products. Not MyDMX though.

Then you have the last bit of problems: If you go iPhone, you have to get Apple's "blessing", or at least you do if you want to go through Apple's iTunes store. I'm not familiar with Android, but as much as I like Apple, sometimes things Apple does annoys me, so chances are the Android marketplace doesn't have this "overseer" element. But, coupled to that, you have the whole issue of "Well, if you do this, why don't you do that?", as in if you support Android, why not iPhone or vice versa.

But seriously, this is a valid idea that may already be done. But I see it as a viable option for those willing to pay for it(sorry, I'm thinking marketing and value add-on upgrades) via the CompuWare products. It's not soemthing I would want to pay for if it's something I have no intention of using, but if I think it's something I personally would find handy in my environment, then yes, I'd fork over the money for it. And would I? Well, yes, I would. First I'm moving in an area where MyDMX won't be leaving, but I am needing more capability, so Jingles has been talking to me about the correct Compu product I need to start giving serious consideration to, and as such, I'm trying to allocate budget to. It's going to happen, that is what I will say. I also have an iPhone and I like my iPhone. When my contract goes up in December, I'm going to get the new iPhone as well. While I don't see needing a remote feature as a Day 1 thing for my new Compu software, it would be something I would spring for if there is an iPhone and/or Android option, because I may have someone else need to run my lights, and I want the option, even if I personally won't use it right away.

And while we're at it, best to include the Ipad and iPodTouch to the list as well. Those are going to be viable options. If Apple is more generous about the integration of Java into some of their products, it could create an open platform for developers to tap into.

My choice? Along with the paid feature, I'd like to see an included set of apps made by the same company for the correct platform I choose to use.

So, yes, great idea. Definately something that if not being explored, should be. But not something for MyDMX. I think this is an area that ADJ or Elation should maybe give some thought to.
I'm thinking seriously about getting the hardware midi interface for the iPhone/iPad
along with the new Midi Surface

I would run the midi out cable to a Magic 260, but it should work just as well going to the midi in of any dongle that has a midi in. [Who knows, maybe there is a midi to USB interface that would get you up and going with MyDMX?]

I'm thinking I could mount the iPad over my keyboard so that I can trigger shows more easily than I can get to the Magic 260.

Has anyone tried using an iPad/iPhone as a midi trigger without having to have a computer interface?
Well, I'm still not really "in love" with the MIDI implementation with the Magic260, and MyDMX could use some work there in regards to MIDI, but here's my 2-cents worth(not like anyone listens to me anyways):

First, I see nothing wrong with your tag-team pairing of software and hardware. MIDI is MIDI, and provided the MIDI is understood by both ends, then what difference does it make? I'm not saying this to be sarcastic, I'm saying this because that's what the whole purpose of protocols like MIDI and DMX are all about: an open standard that, while open, must be adhered to. So, in those regards, assuming that the software and hardware work together(and I'm getting crappy response on my iPhone 3G with the latest IOS, my contract expires in December, I'll upgrade then to the iPhone 4), then I can see nothing wrong with your solution at all.

What would be cooler is if there was a wireless link so you don't have to cable up your phone, but that's a whole other issue.

But, one of your biggest problems is that I have a better idea, but it costs more. There are inexpensive keyboard controllers that hook directly up to a PC, ranging from the low-end like a Korg nano-series(starting at $45 and going up to $65), to higher costs(Akai makes pad and keyboard controller starting at $65), to maybe taking big leaps with a Launchpad($200) or an APC-20($250) or an APC-40($350) or a Maschine($499+). BUT: these options aren't going to work without a computer in the middle, so these are good MyDMX options. Your best bet is, without a computer, is finding a good USED small-sized controller keyboard with a true MIDI In/Out and a power supply otion.

The devices I described are all USB MIDI devices. The Korgs and Akia and Novation(Launchpad) DO NOT provide MIDI interfaces, but are simply bus-powered USB MIDI controllers. The Akai APC 20/40 use a power supply, but I can't recall if they provide MIDI ports. The Maschine does provide MIDI ports.

I'm currently doing testing with myDMX and various USB MIDI devices that I own. Test results are in another thread. Let me just say that I am using quite successfully my korg NanoKONTROL wiht MyMDMX.

Your idea should work.

This is where your iPhone solution comes back in: I can't see this being very expensive. But, you do have to realize your phone may go into sleep mode or otherwise turn off the screen, which will cause you delays. That's the only weak point for your idea. Other than that, I can't see it not working.
Truth be know, I may really be just trying to justify buying an iPad. But it does seem like a good plan.

I'm stuck with the Magic 260 for the time being. The new Compu units aren't out yet and, as you said in an earlier post, buying the first vintage of those might be problematic.

As we speak ADJ is sending me a return label for my Magic 260. They assure me that the unit is a big seller and very popular with its users. My unit with all the bugs in it is the exception to the rule. If the new one works as advertised, I'll be OK with it for the time being.

While searching for a hardware midi adapter for the iPad I saw lots of wireless interfaces that use WiFi, e.g.,

Some talked about how cool it is to be able to stand on the stage and aim the lights with the iPhone.
I won't argue that. The only reason I would get the iPad would be to be a controller for my lighting so I can walk away and focus lights. But if I could do that on my iPhone, then hey, even better. Right now, I'm trying to incorporate a 802.11G network into my Repo! show system so we can all centralize and integrate. There's myself and Art with Macbooks, but he runs as a Mac and I run as a PC(because i run myDMX, he is the back-up for the movie playback), Sean has an iPad, and a few others have laptops and plenty have iPhones. We can start to centralize our communications.

As much as I like ADJ and Elation products, when it comes to software, its' best not to always go "bleeding edge". Wait a few months to hammer out some unexpected bugs, then dive in. I'm playing with Compu Show, and dammnit Jingles, every time I talk to you it costs me money! But, again, like the money spent on DMX, when I feel comfortable with Compu Show, it's going to be money well spent. But, it will take me some time to get used to Compu show, it's not as intuitive for me like MyDMX is. But, I definately see a need for it in my environment. But, I also see a need for MyDMX in my environment as well.

Being computer based, it sort of tweaks our options. Since my show position for this Repo! show sucks, getting away from the "master control" position is absolutely necessary, but do have a good team that helps me get to where I need to be. Even so, I'd like to move back to a center position for focus. I could just swing a long DMX cable for the task, but I think remote control is a better way to go. If I got it, I can run back, save and move onto the next scene. Ain't perfect, but ain't bad either.
I would be more cautions than before. I've been having excessive problems with MIDI and MyDMX recently, especially MIDI interfaces. I'm not posting my results yet.

The theoretical MIDI with MyDMX needs work. If what you have is working, I think we all need to report what we have and have not had successes with.

Personally, I'm all for any device that can connect up using MIDI in some way or another, even if it's a cell phone dongle or some other MIDI interface, USB MIDI device or adaptor.

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