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I am just starting out with MY DMX. I have to say it is a little rough coming from a hardware based system to a computer based setup and to get it up and running for a band that plays four hours of music. I have started out just creating Scenes that I can trigger on a beat. I also got the Nano Kontrol midi controller that gives me a little more of a hardware feel. I am curious to future updates to the software and is there a way to give feedback about the product on what users of want to see in the updates? (For example that ability to assign scenes to the midi controller, or to have multiple midi controls for one dmx channel.) So far I like the product. We will see how the first show goes.
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When we released my dmx we had not planned on adding any more features. So what you see is what you get. We will not be adding anymore features to the program. We will however support it. Write new profiles for it. And release version updates with bug fixes and stability issues should they arise. Down the link if you really need more features/functions take a look at the Compu Show software.
Compu Show SD.
If you scroll down a bit you can download a beta release of the compu show software to play with it. Please note that the compu show software will not work with your my dmx hardware.
I'm sorry, no. The hardware will only be detected by the software and the software will only use the drivers for that specific hardware.

But let me say that MY DMX is still a good program that can be used for all sorts of applications. I know a great number of people who are very happy with the software as is. not all software's get frequent updates with new features and especially for free. If you have any other questions I'll be more than happy to help out.

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