Where to begin...
OK, so we're using 3 8-channel fixtures, in a row. Big deal. You've at least spelled out the fixtures and addressed clearly, that's good.
Are your fixtures in DMX mode? Not sure if those lights operating in a stand-by mode. Ensure you've properly assigned the addresses and are in DMX mode, not stand alone or master/slave mode.
Let's talk addressing:
Just don't overlap addressing and you'll be fine.
First fixture is 8 channels? You've assigned it 1-8. Good.
Second fixture is 16. You've assigned it 9-24.
Third fixture SHOULD start at 26.
It doesn't matter HOW or WHAT you assign your fixtures as long as you know where it is. Don't overlap channels between fixtures. DO feel free to map multiple fixtures to SAME channels. For example, I have 8 64 LED Pros. I COULD(and have) assigned them to the samae 7 channels. This is perfectly acceptable under DMX rules, no problems.
You can put your fixtures on any channel(s) you want. DMX and MyDMX doesn't care. But, units using multiple channels use a contiguous grouping of addresses.
Jingles and I do things a bit differently, and I've explained this before. This ins't a "he's right and I'm wrong" or vice versa. It's not a matter of who is right or wrong. Let em explain;
Jingles likes to use up all his channels, no gaps, beginning to end. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. But that's not how I do it.
I am trying to design my channel assignments to be compatible with not only MyDMX, but also my older DMX Operator console. As a result, I have gaps in the channels used in order to facilitate things properly and conveniently lining up on the DMX Operator.
DMX addresses can be as simple as having 1 channel, to having an insanely huge number of channels. Using a dimmer pack, the dimmer pack may have 4 channels, but you're most likely assigning a ParCan to that channel and you're most likely controlling more than 1 ParCan off a dimmer pack.
My Color Fusions have 7 channels, as do my 64 LED pros based on the mode I set them in(5,6 or 7 channels). I think my moving yoke lights use 9 channels in the mode I have them in. My other color changers I think use 4 channels. My spots I think use only 2 channels.
So, this 1, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, stuff is crap. That would be too restrictive. While old binary addressing via DIP switches can be confusing, it's not the difficult. Again, you can use ANY channels you want.
I think in my case, I use my first 8 0r 16 channels to deal with switching packs and high-tech FX type fixtures. My next 16 I think I am using for my Par38s, of which I have 32. 2/channel on the dimmer packs. After that, I think I have my Color Fusions, skipping a channel in between for "compatibility". Then, after another skip, repeating this channel assignment pattern for my 64 LED Pros. I think that's enough for now. I got movers and other color changers and the spots too.
SerraAva has a really good system that he uses for assigning addresses.
Again, it's not about what is better. If you reach why each person does their own method of assigning things, it makes perfect sense.
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