When I'm on the ADJ homepage and want it to 'take me to a product' I have to scroll the webpage to the right to have access to the product list scroll bar. In doing so I see what I suspect the ADJ homepage is SUPPOSED to look like.
I don't think it's me. I thought maybe the ADJ page wasn't 'Firefox compliant' so I tried IE. Same problem.
I thought maybe I was using the wrong resolution (I have my monitor set for 1024X768). I took it up a few notches to 1900X1200 and it exhibits the same problem.
since this is the only website that doesn't play nice for me I ran americandj.com through an online validator to see how well it complied with HTML standards:
Not a good report. 159 errors and 88 warnings.
Someone at ADJ needs to fix their website as at the least it's very annoying and at worst it doesn't communicate ADJ is a professional company that tends to details.
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