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I purchased the American DJ Quad phase a couple days ago and it arrived this afternoon. I plugged it in and I must say, it is a gorgeous fixture, with crisp beams, great colors and smooth movement.

Anyway, the unit is quite loud. There are two separate sounds.

The stepper motor is a bit on the loud side. You can hear the gears engage as it spins the internal mirror unit. It is loud enough to hear over moderate volume from my PA (2800 watts of power, not cranked up, of course). This sound is only present when the motor is moving the internal mirrors. I kinda anticipated this sound. It is reasonably tolerable.

The second sound was evident from the moment the unit was powered up. It is a high-pitched whine. A rather loud, very high-pitched, ear painful frequency.

It began before the unit even engaged the motor or emmited light and continues until it is unplugged.

This sounds could be heard even after turning my PA up considerably because it is such a high-frequency sound that it occupied a range my music/PA isn’t even producing.

I tried plugging the unit into a couple different repecticles in case it was due to a power source.

Thoughts on the sound? Is this normal?

DJ Wav
Andrew Holmes
Bentonville, AR
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I speculated perhaps the same thing.

I just received a new American DJ Galaxian Sky too. I'm guessing it has a similar steeper motor. I can hear a bit of the motor whine, but it is does not make any of the high pitched sounds the Quad Phase makes.

I have a gig this weekend. I'll probably have to send the Quad Phase for repair after the gig is done. I can't bare to have a fixture that must have 125db music to cover it's whining sounds. :/

I also have the same problem of high-pitched sound that surely comes the power supply ..
I have a ADJ Tri-phase and ADJ Quad Phase, which, however, uses the same engine

I am not even able to run the QUAD PHASE at low volume in a small room without being told from where is the high-pitched continuous sound.

The engine noise is the same as the tri-phase

But the high-pitched noise of the power is really disturbing ...

I also work in computer and when the power supply produce a high-pitched , it must be changed.

Please, I would like the problem is solved, because I find it really disturbing!

Thank you
Looks like it's been 2 years with no response on whether the loud high pitched sound on the quad phase has been resolved. If there is another string dedicated to that topic, please guide me to the respective link.

In any case, it pains me to report that I just bought two quad phases and the loud sound is definitely still an issue. Same high pitched squeal when plugged in. Equally disturbingly loud on both; in fact, ridiculously apparent when both running simultaneously.

Despite reading about this issue prior to purchase, I hoped that since 2 years had passed since the last report of the issue, that it had been resolved. It does not appear to be the case.

Can someone at ADJ confirm that nothing was ever done to fix any units produced subsequent to the noise complaints from 2011? Or maybe I'm mistaken and action was indeed taken by ADJ, and perhaps I just bought two faulty units from an old batch. If that's the case, please instruct me on how to ensure I am getting fixed units when I return the faulty ones. A serial number? Batch number? Date?

Looking forward to your response, ADJ.


By the way, I see you have released a lithium battery powered version of the quad phase. Is that one just as loud?

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