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I have added the listed profile for a Acme Dynamo to my light rig but noticed that Ch3 and ch4 are the wrong way around in the profile (according to the maunal !) is it a case of just swapping them around in the Scanlbrary editor?

Also I have designed some 'pattern gobos' which relate to ch3 010 to 159. (and made sure they are named correctly James !! lol) The rest of the channels 160 - 255 are chases is there a way to create these in the editor? I have taken some small vids of the chases but not sure if I can attached them to here?

Hopefully this all makes sense

Many thanks
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Just open it up in the editor and easily drag 2 to where 3 is and let it go. that should swap them nicely.
We have "macro" icons in the "?" or "misc" section of icons for these chases. There is no way at all program what the actual chase is doing into the profile. If you really need to know why that is not possible let me know and i'll type it up as it can be quite lengthy. Smiler

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